Creating 4dkh Solution


Mar 13, 2004
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Hey guys..
i'v gone over every receipe to create 4dKH solution to do my co2 indicator. but... i must be really bad at math... plug i dont have anything that measures grams and i have about 1.5 liters of RO and i have the nutrafin KH drop tester and the 10ml tube to measure liquid...
that's it.. any help would be apprecaited... i dont understand the whole 4x thing...

Could anyone gimme a receipt for a mathamatically challenge dude :)

Tools i have:

10ml test tube
kh nutrafin tester
1.5 Liters of RO
Drop checker
PH regeant
If you've not got anyway of measuring accurately, the other way I know if is to add bicarb to the RO water progressively and then test it repeatedly until the kit says 4dKH.

Or much easier would be to order some from

It'll cost but to be honest, it'll be worth it. Far more accurate than anything you'll ever make yourself. I ordered some last night.

i just dont know how to test until it gets to 4dkh with my nutrafin test kit

for the testing it just gives me.... starting point of blue and ending point of yellow.. do i want yellow or blue
If its like the other kits, you add drops until it turns from one colour to the other, in this case from blue to yellow. So add drops until the water turns from blue to yellow. The number of drops required will then equal a certain level of KH, which will be outlined in the instructions :) 1 drop normally equals 1dKH ro 10ppm.

see the problem i have is that my kit just tell me broad ranges. <20 mg/l and then 20-80mg/L

Man this jsut seems like a pain to create this solution. Wish they had some in canada....
would a ph controller just work just aswell?
would a ph controller just work just aswell?

A pH controller seems like an expensive gadget too far for me.

I am dead lucky in having the means to make my own very accurate 4dKH solution, but I understand people`s frustration at getting hold of the stuff or the means to make it. Surely you could source some in the U.S.

They ship to canada ? lol so it would cost like 30$ , i know that's isnt alot compared to a ph controller but at least with that... it ajusts.. as time goes on... it would work as good as the solution would i suppose yea?

Well maybe i'll take a stab at finding a shipper in canada or something. Wish someone sold some on ebay.
Hey guys..
i'v gone over every receipe to create 4dKH solution to do my co2 indicator. but... i must be really bad at math... plug i dont have anything that measures grams and i have about 1.5 liters of RO and i have the nutrafin KH drop tester and the 10ml tube to measure liquid...
that's it.. any help would be apprecaited... i dont understand the whole 4x thing...

Could anyone gimme a receipt for a mathamatically challenge dude :)

Tools i have:

10ml test tube
kh nutrafin tester
1.5 Liters of RO
Drop checker
PH regeant

Not sure how this is going to work, because this is such an old post, but I was just wondering if you were able find out if there was any place to buy 4dkh solution in North America. I have the exact same problem.
Re the advice to the other person, AE will ship to the US :) expensive I know but the solution will last you years, you only need around 3ml per drop checker and you get 250ml. I change the solution once a month, so that 6.9 years worth! :lol:

Re the advice to the other person, AE will ship to the US :) expensive I know but the solution will last you years, you only need around 3ml per drop checker and you get 250ml. I change the solution once a month, so that 6.9 years worth! :lol:


Thanks I guess it's not such a big deal to order it and get it shipped. I was just curious why we couldn't get it here.

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