crazy zebra


New Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Hi another newbe here can anybody help i am losing fish and i dont know why?
I have a Jewel 96 aquarium this is a 96 litre tank with a bult in filter and heater
the water tests clear for nitrate nitrite and the others i know this because that was how i lost most of my first stock of platies healthy one minute dead the next it is a planted tank with no bogwood or corral
i do a 20% water change once a week with aquasafe chlorine treatment using a gravel vacume so as not to stress the fish to much.
Now to my problem i had five zebra dannos they all seemed heathy then i found one dead about a week ago and it looked like it had been half eaten since then the largest male has got very aggressive and the other three started hiding in the plants now one is very sick and two more seem to be going the same way.

it stared spinning in the tank stopped eating and twitching i have moved it to a quaranteen tank and to start with it was twisting and slamming into the gravel face first now it just lies at the bottom looking dead till you go near it then it does its mad twitch thing again i have tried a course of protozin in the main tank and now myazin in the quaranteen tank but no go i am not sure how to do a salt bath so any advice would be usefull on that
sorry about the length of the post but am not sure what is relavant and what is not
:D Thanks for that very usefull site a bit scary though putting your fish in that concoction the sickest is in there now dont hold out much hope for him but if he survives the bath will try the next one
Oh well my poorly zebra gave up this morning ! and now two of the other three are not feeding and have started to twitch put them in a salt bath yesterday for 20 minutes and again today but would be gratefull for any more ideas or clues as to what it might be?

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