Crazy zebra


May 31, 2003
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Toronto, Ontario
Some of you may know the history of my trouble maker Jamal. It seems that I resolve one issue with him, and he comes up with some new "thing" to drive me completely nuts. :crazy:

Well, here's what's going on now. I've finally managed to successfully get him to co-habitate with one of the ladies. But since she's been living in there with him, he's started doing the strangest thing. The tank lights are turned off at night about an hour before the room lights. As soon as the room lights go off, Jamal starts to think he's a dolphin performing at SeaWorld leaping out of the water and smashing into the glass top. He does this for an hour or two before he settles down to rest. After a few nights of him doing this the first time, I started covering the tank with a towel, kind of like covering a bird, and this stopped the behaviour. After a few days of doing this, I would stop putting the towel on, and he wouldn't go back to his jumping fits. A week or so later, he would start to do it again. The towel goes back on for a few days, he stops, towel stays off, week or so later, he does it again. This has been going on for a couple months now.

Initially, I thought maybe there's food stuck to the glass top and he only see's it with the light off and is attempting to get the food, but I checked and no food stuck up there.

Is he just completely insane, trying to drive me insane, or has anyone else seen this kind of stuff?
with only one female in with him be glad that he is taking his aggression out on the tank lid and not on the female. mbuna need atleast 3 females for every male when mating.

never heard of the dolphin imitation though.

semper fi
Thanks for the response :) I did have 4 lady friends for him. Two of them came from poor stock and the one died a couple years ago, and the other finally passed away a couple months ago, after living out most of her life in a hospital tank. I got a couple new ones back in January and have had a hard time keeping them in there with him. He initially was in a 72gal with other tank mates, but became so aggressive he had to be moved into his own tank. At that point, I decided to get him some ladies. I've finally managed to get him to accept the larger more dominant female as a tank mate, have tried a couple times to introduce the other, but he just wont have it. I'll give it another try when I get my diy rockwall in there.

As for the whole dolphin thing, it's beyond me, but I am on towel duty once again :lol: And as for taking out his aggressions, he usually waits till I go in there to siphon out the poops and takes it out on my arm :X He's a nasty bugger, but soooo beautiful :wub: Oh, by the way, my avatar is a pic of him.
I had one exaclty the same and he died!!! :sad:

Do you know what species he is? I would love to go to the LFS and get one to replace the one that died... He was so georgeous he was my favorite fish but he never did anything crazy like the daulphin jump!! :lol:
Thanks freshmike, he's been a lot of trouble, but so handsome, I can't bare to part with him.

Wildfire, he is a pseudotropheus zebra chilumba. Hard to come by around here, and even harder to find good stock. I'm hoping to breed him, but I think he'll have to tone down his aggression before that happens :rolleyes: I'll get to posting some pics of him soon..

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