CRAZY TANK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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I have been in the fish hobby for quite some time now and have just had a 2 month disaster of fish deaths! I have been using a sponge filter and a Whisper filter with the Whisper cartridges, but today switched to my own of black and white diamond blend carbon plus filter fiber, black aquarium approved ebony black sand, I use the Jungle Labs Water Safe Plus, Ammonia Safe, and Neutral PH tablets, and have aquarium safe plastic plants and ornaments in it. I use all approved foods for my fish. Well, here are the stats of the sick/dead fish:

*2 Male Bettas(not in tank together): yellow bodies, clamped fins and tails, wouldn't eat, layed on side.
*3 Mollies: gasp for air at surface, dart, dart, keel over, die.
*4 Mollies: bloat, skinny, not eating, clamped fins.
*2 Platies: Clamped fins, not eating, just lay down and die.
*1 Platy: dats A LOT, keels over, dies.
* MANY MORE! At least 20 more cases. Same simptoms!

As you can see, I have lost my precious fish and a lot of money from whatever disease is causing this! I need help on what the disease is, waht causes it, and what can I do? Thanks ahead to everyone who helps save my 4 current precious fish!
Ok... I'll try to help.
I found these different type of disease that seem to go with the symptoms your fish have:

Skin & Gill Flukes Flukes are a parasite that attack the gills and skin of infected fish. Small numbers of flukes are pretty much harmless, but in bad water conditions, over crowding, or aquaria with high organic content, they can multiply at a fast rate. According to the fish doctor the only reliable way to diagnose is with a skin scrape.
Symptoms: Fish will flash or scrape its self against aquarium décor, rapid gill movement, at a more advanced stage, the fish will isolate its self and lie at the bottom with fins clamped. Also cloudy skin due to excess mucus.
Treatment: Flukes are hard to treat and complete eradication is virtually impossible. It is said that for individuals affected with flukes, consecutive salt baths over 2-3 days can be useful. There are commercial treatments avalible.

Velvet (Oodinium)
Velvet is a parasite that is often confused as ich. The difference is, velvet is smaller and infects predominately the body and looks like a fine powder rather than salt sprinkles. Velvet attacks the body of the infected fish and is very contagious. Velvet is most likely caused by stress, poor water quality or chilling (sudden changes in water temperature). Velvet is a bit easier to cure than ich because the life cycle is shorter. However, this disease can prove fatal if left untreated.
Symptoms: Fish will dart around and flash or scrape its self against aquarium décor, appearance of fine yellowish or white dust on body, fins clamped and/or rapid gill fluctuation (breathing heavily).
Treatment: Increasing the temperature to 82°F and application of a commercial chemical treatment is most effective. It is also said that adding salt will aid the fish in its recovery as in ich.

With the gasping that also may have been caused by low oxygen levels in your tank. I hope this helped and Good Luck with your tank. I fyou want more help just ask me!
I would recomend doing daily water change now on until you found out what happened with you fish.
oh boy it seems the exact same case i am having here. i bought a new guppy 3 weeks ago then my fish starts dying with those diease, but it statred with fin rot first then rest are the same. i washed the gravel and filer also the water. but these things are still infecting my fish. i lost quit a bit of fish already
Thanks Guppylover :D ! I'm pretty sure that it was velvet. My fish had the yellow dust on them and they darted A LOT! Does anyone know of a good parasite treatment? mashimaro_0000, good luck with your fish :) ! I have 4 fish at the moment I am worried about :/ . Thanks again!


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