Leader Of The Seahorse's!
I went down to my LFS yesterday, to get some advice on cycling my news tank and to pick up some bogwood, so i can be soaking it(how long does it need to soak for(as it was dry) and if i put it in the tank will it give off all bits of wood, like its doing in the bucket). And before i left i asked i they had any panda corys and they lookjed at me like i was stupid!
"Ive never heard of a fish like that and weve got one that looks like a panda though
THey have three-lined corys and stuff but not pandas, which are the ones ill be wanting. Ill bring a page about the pandas next time i go down
"Ive never heard of a fish like that and weve got one that looks like a panda though

THey have three-lined corys and stuff but not pandas, which are the ones ill be wanting. Ill bring a page about the pandas next time i go down