Crazy Ppl At Lfs!


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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I went down to my LFS yesterday, to get some advice on cycling my news tank and to pick up some bogwood, so i can be soaking it(how long does it need to soak for(as it was dry) and if i put it in the tank will it give off all bits of wood, like its doing in the bucket). And before i left i asked i they had any panda corys and they lookjed at me like i was stupid!
"Ive never heard of a fish like that and weve got one that looks like a panda though :blink: "
THey have three-lined corys and stuff but not pandas, which are the ones ill be wanting. Ill bring a page about the pandas next time i go down :rolleyes:
Soak the wood in a white container so you can tell when it is done. It can be soaked in a tank with fish but does look odd when you look into the tank and see these very drab looking fish and realize the tanic acid which causes the brown water is affecting the light going into the tank. The people at the store are not crazy they just have no idea what they are doing.
Lol,i must have misheard him cause i went down today and after i bough some stuff i asked the nice lady there if they had any pandas and she said no, but theyll be coming in this or next week!
I cant wait to get some when i transfer all my fish in my current tank into my new juwel one!!
Lol,i must have misheard him cause i went down today and after i bough some stuff i asked the nice lady there if they had any pandas and she said no, but theyll be coming in this or next week!
I cant wait to get some when i transfer all my fish in my current tank into my new juwel one!!

I would say it wasnt you mishearing things, but untrainned staff, the lady you spoke to probably knows about fish, and was interested in what was coming in.

I've had this before, ask one person if they had a certain fish, and they'd say "no" I'd ask someone else and they would be like "yeah, loads they are in this tank"
always best to spend a long time looking for yourself. I had an arguement with a pets@home manager over the type of fish he had in stock he told me it was a polypterus ornatipinnis, when it was obviously a Polypterus delhezi... and he told me I was thick basically...

which reminds me I need to send that letter to him, silly man!


gl with your cories :good:

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