Crazy Filter

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Oct 27, 2005
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about a year n half ago, my dad decided that buying a filter from petsmart was not good enough and he was goin to make his own. my dad owns a chemical company so they have high powered filters that filter a 1000 gallons in 5 mins, he decided that this would be amazing in our fish tank and he's RIGHT! we have one state of the art filter system. sorry guys i dont have pics yet but i'll get on that asap. i'll tell u though, my fish are doing amazing.
about a year n half ago, my dad decided that buying a filter from petsmart was not good enough and he was goin to make his own. my dad owns a chemical company so they have high powered filters that filter a 1000 gallons in 5 mins, he decided that this would be amazing in our fish tank and he's RIGHT! we have one state of the art filter system. sorry guys i dont have pics yet but i'll get on that asap. i'll tell u though, my fish are doing amazing.

May be you should post the pic of the filter? I would love to see it.
ha most def. i'm just at school rightnow, but i shoud be heading home this weekend. i'll be sure to take some pics of the filter. it's kind of ugly and thats my biggest problem with it, so i'm trying to modify it even further to give a sleaker look.
Turning over the water in the tank more then 4-5 times an hour has very lmited application. It simply creates currents in the water that can upset many types of fish that come from quiet waters. In planted tanks the situation is worse as the excessive gas exchange created by the filter will knock CO2 out of solution. Planted tank owners typically turn their tanks over only 2-3 times an hour, then stock accordingly.
Turning over the water in the tank more then 4-5 times an hour has very lmited application. It simply creates currents in the water that can upset many types of fish that come from quiet waters. In planted tanks the situation is worse as the excessive gas exchange created by the filter will knock CO2 out of solution. Planted tank owners typically turn their tanks over only 2-3 times an hour, then stock accordingly.
Sorry to threadjack, but does this go for standard canister filters as well? I've got an XP2 (300 gph) on my new 40g breeder. Obviously it's not really going to pump out 300gph, but even at a more realistic 200gph, that's still 5x. However, the input and output (vertical spray bar to prevent one big current) are both below the water surface, so that shouldn't cause much gas exchange, should it?

Back on topic, what kind of filter are we talking about here, silversun?
when i mentioned the filter that pumps 1000 gallons in 5 mins, i didnt mean i used THAT exact filter, i was just referring to the fac tthat my dad has resources to get many differnt types of filters. my filter is strong than an average filter but as i can see, there is not current within my tank. and i fish have been healthy and large. i think u are correct bout the CO2 levels for a planted tank. but i dont have one so no biggy
you sure its 1000 gallons in 5 minutes? to pump that much water, the pump would have to be awfully big

no no it's NOT 1000 gallons per five minutes, i was just referring to the type of pumps my dad had the ablility to get from his factory. that's all
:/ I have a 29 Gallon Tank with "SOME PLANTS" it's got a Magnum 350 Canister Filter Attached.

And I've Experenced No Problems with it....

The only thing was that the Output Diffuser was too Close to the TOP of the Water Line.
And caused a little to much Turbulance at the surface, and made it kind of difficult for my fish to eat.
Without getting Bounced Around. SO.

I removed the Diffuser that was on the Output, and replaced it with an OLD, Intake Strainer from an Old Pengquin power Filter, Now the Output is dispersed in all Directions.

The Surface is alot Calmer, and the Fish alot Happier. :hey:
OK i finally got home and took some pics and here they are.

here's the pump itself

here is the part that takes the water in

and here is the part that lets the water back into the tank

i know they arent the prettiest things in the world, but man they do the job right!
The attached picture doesn't show and the links give a permissions error.
The attached picture doesn't show and the links give a permissions error.

that's so odd, i'm able to see the pictures and click on the links without a problem... i'm still pretty new on these forums... what other ways can i post a pic here?
The first picture just shows a red cross. The links return a 403...

You don't have permission to access /photos1351/5/52/90/5/15/0/15059052508_0_ALB.jpg on this server.

... you could always upload them into the members aquarium pictures forum, or non-fish photographs.
alright finally got it goin

here is the pump itself

here is where the water is sucked in from

and the water comes out

i know it's not the prettiest thing in the world, but man it does the job right.

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