Crazed Betta


Fish Crazy
Nov 29, 2009
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i had to move my betta out of my community tank as one of the other fish shredded his fins, i bought him a new tank a 28litre the tank is not cycled but i do regular water changes and the stats are fine ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0
i gave him to many blood worms tonight and like the greedy pig that he is he gobbled them all down and since then he has been going absolutly crazy, he is going to the top of the tank and gulping loads of air flaring up and going down the tank in a zig zag and trying to bite the glass, sometims i can hear him hitting off the glass, can this be because i gave him to much food i've never seen him like this before.
Eh, try giving him a day or so and see how he is then. Did you accidentally feed him too many? And he may be seeing his reflection. Since it's a new tank, he could just be freaking out. And if you're cycling, how did you get those stats? Unless that was jsut immediately before he even pooped?
he's been in there a week now but only started to freak out tonight, yes it was a accident i didn't mean to feed him that many, don't know what you mean about the stats it's easy to keep the ammonia and nitrites down there is only one fish in there with plenty plants and regular water changes.
Darting like that is a sign of stress, often due to a water quality problem. If you used an accurate liquid test kit then I think you can assume the ammonia/nitrite/nitrates aren't the problem. Was this behavior right after you transferred him to the new tank, or has it been awhile? I would check the pH (and try to consider whether there could have been any fluctuation) and try to think if anything could have gotten into the tank (like a chemical cleaner or something). Are you sure you used the right amount of dechlorinator? What is the temp, and have there been any fluctuations? For now I would try to keep the tank as quiet as possible, keep the lights off and keep it dark. I can't really think of why over feeding would cause him to act like that so I think it's probably a coincidence. Watch for other behavior changes because erratic swimming can be a sign of parasites.
he could be bored too, if he was a fish in a community with lots of other fish to chase and boss around, he is probably finding himself with little to do. get him a betta mirror or just a regular old mirror and give him something to fuss about for a few minutes.

keep an eye on the water stats, too, just in case it is a water issue. but remember every betta is a little odd, that's why we love them because of they are little fish with big personalities. now that he is on his own, maybe he is just showing you who is boss.

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