
Mar 17, 2005
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Well the other day i was at my lfs rescueing some female guppys(long story), and i saw some lobster like things wondering around in a tiger barb tank. Anyways one of them was a dull blue/grey color and the other was much paler- more like a creamy white, although they looked pretty much like the same kind of animal, they were about 2-3inchs long and had fuffy little white things coming out of them although they definatly looked like part of their body and not a desease of some sort.
I asked the guy working there what they were and he said they were freshwater crayfish...I asked him what fish they got along with and he said he didn't know, so i didn't buy them just in case they wreaked havoc in my tanks.
They looked very attractive and i would like to get some as long as they don't grow too big and are ok with livebearers, neon tetras, corys and plecs- anyone know what they could be -_- ?
Cheers for the link miagi :) - only one of them was blue/grey though, the other was creamy white color- is this also a blue lobster or another type of lobster?
are you sure they are lobsters or crayfish. could they possible be giant african filter shrimp or sometimes called cameroon armoured shrimp. They look like small lobsters with two front claws and 4 arms with feathery hands used to collect tiny bits of food.

if it is this then they will be fine in most tanks as they are shy and gental but can grow quite big when fully grown. (although they live along time and takes a good while to have them fully grown)
Be careful a friend of mine bought what looked like a mini lobster (he wasn't sure what it was) it was fine during the day, but when the light were off, it would climb onto the highest peice of bogwood and slice his guppies to bits.

Even though he sealed the lid of the tank up after the first escape, he managed to escape a number of times and was eventually found dead behind his radiator when it had got lodged in.

Yes they look good, but there's no way I'd put one in my tank after seening the havok his caused.
I had one, called exactly that - freshwater crawfish. He is typically a creamy tan/grey, but turns blue when it comes time for him to molt. He ate every living thing in my tank, until I separated him. He was so cute when I got him... only about 3 inches long. Now, after 6 years, he's about 6 inches long. He lives on his own in a 3-gal tank wihth an airstone and lid, and he eats floating fish pellets.
Hope this helps.
Robbo851 said:
are you sure they are lobsters or crayfish. could they possible be giant african filter shrimp or sometimes called cameroon armoured shrimp. They look like small lobsters with two front claws and 4 arms with feathery hands used to collect tiny bits of food.

if it is this then they will be fine in most tanks as they are shy and gental but can grow quite big when fully grown. (although they live along time and takes a good while to have them fully grown)
They look similar except paler and more upright- the fluffy things are white too, i don't know if that helps at all.
where are the "fluffy things" are they on the sides of the claws? or are they instead of the claws (like hands)? As said before don't buyit until you know what it is, if it is a crayfish it will try to eat everything in your tank, if it turns out to be a filter feeding shrimp it should be fine in your tank. My filter feeding shrimp lives quite happily with numerous small fish, (you have to be careful to give them somewhere safe to shed - or they can get killed when they are soft and vunerable). My crayfish is in a tank by itself, permanently trying to escape, wrecks the tank on a regular basis, he's really interesting and very funny when chasing food around the top of the tank (e.g. peas) he also is a great rubbish bin, any spare whitebait or mussels etc from the fish are greatly appreciated - but don't try to mix them with any fish.
if it is what is in the picture. then it is completly safe with many fish. i keep mine with tetras mollies guppys and a pleco cat. i even keep mine with ghost and cherry shrimp. it will not harm anything it is the shyist thing i have ever seen. as moray says you have to give it somewhere to shed or some fish could hurt or kill it when it molts.

What fish do you have in your tank?

but please make sure it isnt a crayfish as it will quickly kill all of your fish.
sorry my mistake i just read your first entry listing your fish.
your fish will do fine with this shrimp as long as that it is what it is.

it will be a great addition to your tank and it limits the amount of waste food in the tank.
Thanks for all your help and info :) i'll go see if they still have the pale one at my lfs then and see if i can get it- how often do shrimp molt though?
by the description given and the pictures i have shown, i dont think Tokis-Phoenix is going to get a lobster or a crayfish (GOD HELP THE FISH IN THE TANK IF THEY ARE) if it is an african filter shrimp there is no way it can harm anything it would just run away and hide. just make sure there are plenty of hiding places for it, if there isnt a plant pot makes a great cave or you could carefully arange some slate to make a cave

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