Crayfish :)


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
Heyo! I recently got 2 free crayfish from my LFS (they came in with the feeder fish and they didn't want them :) ahh the perks of working at an LFS...) and I've been feeding them shirmp pellets they seem to enjoy them... I know that they eat live fish so I've dropped 3 of my HOME BRED feeders into the tank and they've been untouched thus far... is this normal for Crayfish? also, is there any other type of food I could try?
dont feed them any food just put feeder fish sooner or later they will eat them and get a taste for them problem solved
Two free crayfish! Lucky bugger... :p I love crays, they're cute.

Crayfish by nature (like most crustaceans) are detritivores. Pretty much anything organic will be a tasty meal for them, though I'd avoid anything greasy or anything that might cause a bacterial bloom (things like raw chicken or beef would be a bad idea). If you're having a fish dinner though, you could cut a little piece of raw fish and give it to the crays. Live fish are only in real danger when sleeping near the bottom of the tank. When awake, most fish would probably be a bit fast for a cray to catch -- they're opportunistic predators. 'Course any creatures that live at the bottom, like ghost shrimp, would probably be fair game...

Crayfish also like oak leaves, so I've heard. Pick some from a nearby oak tree, wash thoroughly, dry them till they're brown, then give them a soak so they'll sink. Very healthy for them, apparently. :alien:
Heyo! I recently got 2 free crayfish from my LFS (they came in with the feeder fish and they didn't want them :) ahh the perks of working at an LFS...) and I've been feeding them shirmp pellets they seem to enjoy them... I know that they eat live fish so I've dropped 3 of my HOME BRED feeders into the tank and they've been untouched thus far... is this normal for Crayfish? also, is there any other type of food I could try?

i could give you more help if i knew which cray you have. its not uncommon for Redclaw crayfish to ignore fish as food, the seem to be the most placid of the crays. not to say they wont take fish, but as they get older their taste for meat, reduces and they turn more to the veg side. oddly this has also happened with my red crab!

that said most cray will eat anything, fish poo included. American species are among the most aggressive, p allani, often sold as the electric blue crayfish, lol in its blue morph. is a real killer, and i have heard tell of them breaking heaters. though they are really a cool-coldwater cray. unlike the tropical redclaw.

mine gets everything it wants of the bottom of the tank, so in essence, what i give my fish. fresh skinned peas, fresh cucumber, fish flake, sinking pellets, roast chicken and any form of fish i have.

dont feed them any food just put feeder fish sooner or later they will eat them and get a taste for them problem solved
i cant see the point of forcing an animal to act in a way, it obviously does not want to! starving it till it has no option is not only pointless but cruel!!! and Cray are not hunters, they are scavenging opportunists. and heavy on the veggie side at that.
Crayfish tend to be a bit on the lazy side to catch fish, what kind of fish are you feeding them as they are probably too fast.I would just stick with the shrimp pellets if they are eating them.
lol man PetCity do blue morph redclaws at £5.99, they also give reasonably good advice too, unlike most vendors. and 6 inch redclaw sell for about £10 to £15. i can get a breeding pair now for £20, can give you the addy if you like.

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