

Fish Crazy
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
Davy Jones' Locker
With me living in Louisiana, it rained today. Really hard. I went outside and what do I see crayfish. They were all in the puddles and mud, I caught one and now have it in a fish bowl. Ive had one before but was wondering, What are the fish recomendations for them being tank-mates?
That depends on lots of factors. The fact that you got the crayfish from the wild doesn't help, because we don't know what species it is. And even then the chances are it's not widely kept enough for there to be enough info on the net.
Though my recommendation is NOT to keep it with any fish, and give it a big tank with ample filtration.
There are frequently debates on this forum to whether its suitable to keep cherax quad with fish and other tank mates, and the best argument anybody usually comes up for it is something along the lines of "I heard it was ok and have been doing it for 6 months", which is fine i guess, but its NOT worth the risk and it depends on the crayfish.
I would like to say before anyone asks, that i have never kept a crayfish, i've just done reading up on them and my work frequently has them in.
lol not much to add to the above. except that the cray you found is not best suited to a tropical tank. if you keep it it will need a minimum of 20ukg for a tank. needs lots of hiding places and most can escape, at will. fascinating creatures to keep though.

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