Crayfish Shed, How Long To Keep In The Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2004
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London, UK
Hi, as the title says, how long should I keep my crays shed in the tank, it's been three days so far and he hasn't touched it. He's two years old and his last shed was nine months ago, do they not eat them as they grow older? He's just sitting there not eating at the moment.

Ah ok cheers, I've never taken it out before but as he'd left it a while this time without touching it I was a bit concerned with it deteriating and poluting the tank.
pull it out after two or three days. its not the calcium he is after. Cray dont absorb calcium, from food. its the protein.
pull it out after two or three days. its not the calcium he is after. Cray dont absorb calcium, from food. its the protein.

I agree that you should pull it out since it's been three days and it hasn't been touched.

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