Crayfish Proper Habitat?


New Member
Sep 23, 2009
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New York
Exactly 6 days ago, I caught a crayfish in a local pond. I took him (or her) home, and gave it a temporary 1 gal tank. I dont think its a very good enviroment, because he is around 5 inches, and I gave him a temporary cave thats 1 1/2 inch diameter. He surprisingly fits, but he looks tight. The flooring I use is 2cm diameter pebbles, also temporary. Im thinking of replacing it with gravel and dirt, so my crayfish is allowed to dig. I will soon upgrade to a 6 gal tank, and put more and larger hiding places. What else do I need?
I'd release the poor fellow back into his natural habitat
I wouldn't, it could have contracted a disease whilst in captivity which could infect the wild population, not likely, but I still wouldn't want to risk it.
I wouldn't, it could have contracted a disease whilst in captivity which could infect the wild population, not likely, but I still wouldn't want to risk it.

I doubt it could come in contact with anything else (a diseased cray, fish or ornaments/ plants), although its possible, if you just picked stuff up from the same place you got the cray from and didnt intermix anything else id say its clean, and also release the poor fellow, 1 gallon is not nearly sufficient for a cray of any kind.
Please bring it back.
I doubt it could come in contact with anything else (a diseased cray, fish or ornaments/ plants), although its possible, if you just picked stuff up from the same place you got the cray from and didnt intermix anything else id say its clean, and also release the poor fellow, 1 gallon is not nearly sufficient for a cray of any kind.
Pathogens can be airborne as well as water borne, they could easily occur in tap water regardless of chlorination.
Exactly 6 days ago, I caught a crayfish in a local pond. I took him (or her) home, and gave it a temporary 1 gal tank. I dont think its a very good enviroment, because he is around 5 inches, and I gave him a temporary cave thats 1 1/2 inch diameter. He surprisingly fits, but he looks tight. The flooring I use is 2cm diameter pebbles, also temporary. Im thinking of replacing it with gravel and dirt, so my crayfish is allowed to dig. I will soon upgrade to a 6 gal tank, and put more and larger hiding places. What else do I need?
a well filtered 10 gallon tank is fine. you don't need substrate, though you can if you wish. a good size cave, or several in a bigger tank. only thing here is, this Cray should be kept at room temperature. as only the Cherx Quad Redclaw is truly tropical.

I'd release the poor fellow back into his natural habitat
in truth, that's my view.

I wouldn't, it could have contracted a disease whilst in captivity which could infect the wild population, not likely, but I still wouldn't want to risk it.

no it wont. whats more likly is the cray will infect the OP's tank with Crayfish plague. making all the water changed, infected with it. the catching and keeping of Crayfish is common. indeed thats how many keepers get their stock (though not in the UK). the danger here is to the OP's tank, not the Crayfish.

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