Mecha Chaos
New Member
Hi, I'm new to this site but I've been keeping fish and frogs for well over five years now. But anyway my friend has a pet crayfish (she bought it at a store) and she recently gave him to me because she didn't want the little guy anymore. So I was wondering if I could put the crayfish in my 40 gallon tank, I have two 40 gallon filters that have short hoses. (I heard that they can climb out by the filter hoses if there to close to the bottom) He's about four inches long. I'm not sure as to what kind he is, but I could take a picture of him for you. I have him in a ten gallon holding tank at the moment. The 40 gallon has two guppies, red eyed tetra, flame tetra, a male gourami, two adult African dwarf frogs, some ghost shrimp (glass shrimp), a bushy nose pleco, a sail fin pleco and two calico fan tail's (there not permanent so don't go crazy on me, it's winter and I have to keep them inside) I was wondering if he would hurt the small fish in the tank? Thanks alot.
His claws have a bluish color to them and he has a redish orange color on the very tips of his claws.

His claws have a bluish color to them and he has a redish orange color on the very tips of his claws.