Hey there guys, i was wondering what kind of treatments i can use to treat finrot in my tank that won't harm my crayfish? I've heard some solutions can affect the exoskeleton of crustaceans and the such.
Any help would be much appreciated.
the best treatment is to, ensure your tank is. 1, big enough for your fish. 2, clear of food debris. 3, treated to regulare 30% water changes (well, anything form 20% up).
though fin rot is a bacterial infection, its most often caused by stress, though low quality water might be to blame, it still stress that lets the bacteria breed.
you could use Melafix, or salt (if you have no scale-less fish). but if the infection is bad, radical trimming may be needed. or even euthanasia!
whichever, the cray needs moved (most likely cause of fish stress. especially in NONE mature tanks and community's), even if just until the rot is treated.
antibiotics can also be used,. but you will need a vet for them. even if you can buy them, antibiotics are valuable things. you need to be aware of the danger of missus (breeding resistant strains).