I have no idea what just happened to my cray, he's about 18 months old and seemed to have been in fine health up until about 10 minutes ago.
He has been trying to escape most of the day which is nothing unusual, he goes through phases of scaling the heaters or filter pipework. Just as we sat down for dinner I noticed that he was walking backwards quite fast bashing into the rocks and sides of the tank. Just gone back to him to see how he was doing and his remaining claw (he lost one a few weeks back after he jumped the tank onto the hard floor) was just lying on the side next to him, his mandibles around his mouth where still fluttering about so I assumed he was stuck on his back due to the last claw - I was considering he would need to be put down at this stage, I would hate to see him not be able to look after himself due to having no claws - I flipped him over back on his belly and he just seems to have passed away now.
I see no other signs of illness in his tank mates which are fish, we had just put in some plants this afternoon and wondering if it could be a case of them being poison to him somehow, he took his usual little taster from them as he normally does. They came from a reputable LFS and where advised on some of them by the sales assistant.
The only other thing I can think is that his injury the other week had become infected perhaps?
He has been trying to escape most of the day which is nothing unusual, he goes through phases of scaling the heaters or filter pipework. Just as we sat down for dinner I noticed that he was walking backwards quite fast bashing into the rocks and sides of the tank. Just gone back to him to see how he was doing and his remaining claw (he lost one a few weeks back after he jumped the tank onto the hard floor) was just lying on the side next to him, his mandibles around his mouth where still fluttering about so I assumed he was stuck on his back due to the last claw - I was considering he would need to be put down at this stage, I would hate to see him not be able to look after himself due to having no claws - I flipped him over back on his belly and he just seems to have passed away now.
I see no other signs of illness in his tank mates which are fish, we had just put in some plants this afternoon and wondering if it could be a case of them being poison to him somehow, he took his usual little taster from them as he normally does. They came from a reputable LFS and where advised on some of them by the sales assistant.
The only other thing I can think is that his injury the other week had become infected perhaps?