Cray Fish


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2008
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How big do the blue crayfish get?
Mines growing much faster than i thought they would, btw sorry if this is the wrong section :p
I've heard of two types of blue crayfish (not sure if they're the same types).
The australian blue lobster(really a cray fish) which grows to approxamatly a foot and the eletric blue crayfish which grows to around 7", now I'm not sure if these sizes are accurate as these are just what I've heard from other people.
going on from PRW's comments there is also the blue marron (Cherax tenuimanus), another freshwater crayfish from down under and they grow to about 18inches, sometimes more. Any idea what species you have?
If your in the UK its probably an Australian Red Claw Cray or Cherax quadricarinatus as its the only legal crayfish over here.

There is an excellent profile pinned in the sub forum linked by Starfishpower.
Thanks guys, forgot i posted this, im looking at a monster then lol

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