

New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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So I think one of my fish got beat up. Everything was fine earlier today but i look in there an hour ago and one of my littler africans is upside down in the plants. Made a hospital but i dont think its gonna make it.
Sorry but do you want any help i don't know if i could, but jus wandering if you have it all under controll

Goodluck fishie :/
Well, i made a ten gallon hospital for him but he wont swim upright, i dont think he is going to make it. :( If you have any tips to help me out thatd be awesome though
:rip: little fishie
wat kinda fish is he?
sorry to hear about that. sounds internal. fish rarely make it at that point.

what was he and what else is in the tank?
Sounds like he had swim bladder disease. That can be anything from no biggie to fatal, depending on what it is caused by... In your case it obviously wasn't "no Biggie." :( It may have been due to fatty degeneration of the internal organs, which is one of the most common causes of death among aquarium fish. It is caused by incorrect feeding, when too many foodstuffs containing a lot of fats and carbohydrates in comparison to proteins are given. It can be avoided by varying your fish's diet, and making sure that you don't overfeed. At least, that's what Herbert R. Axelrod says :huh: . (I have his book on aquarium fishes. It's actually pretty good, if you can get past the name of the author. :D ) Anyway, I hope that helps you out some. I would hate for you to lose any more fish!! :( (I know I've lost more than one fish that way!)

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