Cramped Betta Quarters No More!


Fish Addict
Feb 26, 2006
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I am getting really annoyed at my current betta housing. There were no 1-3 gallon tanks in my LFS so I went to Zellers and got a large mason jar which looks to me to be about 6x6x6 inches cube and holds 0.8 gallons practically (could hold 1 gallon if I filled it up).

I just have one fish, and I don't want a larger tank separated. Here's my situation: I'm in a dorm, and sometimes I want to bring my fish around like to bring him home. Most of the time he sits on my desk behind my laptop which spews warm air out the back so I can keep the jar at about 80 degrees most of the time. A large tank is impractical for me.

Now, I saw these really awesome ideal betta blocks on aquabid: which looked perfectly IDEAL for me but the thing is, I'm in Canada and the shipping would be 25 dollars! They are already a bit expensive; I can't afford that. But they are sooo niiiiiice, with a nice lid with spot for an air line, made of acrylic so they are light, not too big, just about right for a betta (1.2 gallon capacity) and not so big that I can't bring it home.

So then I looked at the DIY forum and found the threads on how to make a tank and thought, hmm, I could do that for my betta. But the more I looked, the more impractical it seemed, and I don't even know where to get any glass/acrylic. And making it myself would probably cost more than buy one, and I don't know how to make a lid, which I really want. I want a lid with a hinge, just like that one on aquabid.

It doesn't have to be exactly like it, but the things that annoy me about my glass jar are: it's hard to reach in. I have to use a tiny tiny tiny cup to scoop water and/or fish because the top is kinda narrow. I would like a box. A nice clear box, ideally acrylic because it's lighter than glass. But sufficiently sturdy. Not about to break on me.

I don't want a bowl or anything else funny shaped.. just a box.... I don't want it taller than it is wide because I think bettas should have room to swim sideways and it's best that they don't have to swim too far to get to the surface anyway.

The beanie baby boxes would be just perfect if they were BIGGER and not so tall. But I really am not willing to trade my ugly jar for a smaller, less practical home just because it's a box.

The BIGGEST problem trying to find a roomy betta box is that I'm in CANADA, and if places even ship to canada, it costs tons and tons in shipping, which I am not willin to pay.

Anybody have any advise? Either someplace canadian that will send me sized cut acrylic or glass so I can make a mini-tank myself, or someplace that doesn't have exorborant shipping charges to Canada that has a box that is similar to the one on aquabid?

I'm sorry if I'm hard to follow. If you didn't get all that, here's it all summed up: I want a more spacious betta tank than my current setup but it needs to be 2.5 gallons or less, ideally box-shaped looking a lot like a mini-tank, just like a small version of the large 10-55 gallons, and I'm in CANADA which makes a lot of shipping options impractical.

Oh and no funny backing colours.. please... I saw some red ones, :/ no way. Preferrably no backing colour but if there is one, well, should be either white black or silver or wood...
Does Canada have Walmart? Walmart carries 1g, 2.5g, and 5g tanks with light/filter.
have a look in your local pet store if they sell reptiles they are highly likely to have what i have cant remeber the make but its basically a plastic box clear in various sizes with a ventilated lid its very neat looking incredibly cheap and comes in all sizes so yup look in the snails lizards etc accomodation!
RandomWikitor: Eh does it? Yes we do, and I thought I checked out at walmart. -_- Well, I'll check again. Thanks a lot! :)

lozzles: Wow, that sounds very nice but my LPS doesn't have those :(
All of the Walmarts here do, at any rate. Since they usually stock the same things across the board, it is a possibility. Good luck :thumbs:

Some other suggestions:
Some craft stores have glass or plastic boxes, and some stores like target or wallmart carry fairly clear 3 gallon storage containers. You wouldn't see him as well as you might in a tank, but it'd be cheap, the proper amount of space, and depending on what brand you buy, it'd be pretty clear.
You could get a storage box or something, if you have a Barrats garden centre in Canada, take a look, I got mine from there, and it was only £11 ($18 Roughly)
Hey Chrissi!
If you want -I could go to my Wally World (walmart) and get you a 1gal mini-bowl and ship it to you. . . I don't think shipping would cost that much (at least not as much as $25!! woozers). I'd need you zip to fully calculate it.

Here's the tank -
Sukie- I'm not sure about that, I was thinking a little bit bigger...

At any rate, I'll check out a walmart maybe this weekend or next, and see if they have anything acceptable, or maybe even try to find a different pet/fish store and see if they have those lizard tanks.

I'll check back in later ;) thanks very much guys for the ideas!
Well, I'm back from a shopping trip!!

I'm very satisfied and very happy! We went to a Big Al's outlet, which was AMAZINGLY large and fun to be in, with SHARKS and these extremely large neon orange fish swimming in a small pond which looked incredible. They also had some bettas, but they did not look very healthy, and a few even looked dead.. none of their finnage was nearly as good as my betta's, which made me feel proud to have such a nice veiltail, though they came in many beautiful colours, some pinks and some rainbows (didn't looked dyed, just a mishmash of colours). The person assisting me also tried to advise me not to worry about a lid, because "bettas don't jump" :S yeah, that really makes me trust you.... I basically ignored all their advise since it was pretty unreliable. It was clear I knew more about keeping a betta than he did. He thought they were happy in the tiny bowls that don't even afford them the ability to turn around. :crazy:

So anyway, we looked around and i kept seeing BEAUTIFUL 1.5-3.5 gallon tanks but they all came with extras that I didn't need like a net (I don't' want my betta catching parasites thank you very much!) and extra food and water conditioner, while I have TONS of food and TONS of water conditioner because I stocked up in the first place... and things like gravel, which I would rather pick out myself than let a minitank designer pick. Raising the price to over $50!! I couldn't pay that for what I was getting there.

So I kept browsing, and then a 10 gallon tank caught my eye because it was cheaper, still looked compact enough for my desk, and made me think, hrm, maybe I should buy another betta and a divider for this tank... then i could have two! but i figured in the end that it would be too big, and uncomfortable to bring two bettas home in little baggies...

So still we searched. We found very nice plain rectangular tanks with black edges. They came in 3.5, 5.5, and 10 gallon sizes. We inquired about the 3.5 gallon, and was told that there are no lids for it. Somehow, we got ahold of another salesman and HE told us that there are no hoods for it, but plain glass lids were available. We agreed, and he went to scrounge one up, but he couldn't find one. So he told us, "There are no lids for these, but it doesn't really matter, because bettas don't jump." I suddenly lost all faith in their ability to tell me what I ought to be buying. I looked onward.

It was bothering me so much that there were these beautiful 1.5-2.5 gallon tanks, but that they came with extra stuff I didn't need and were way too expensive. There were also fish bowls, and I could have gotten one of those, but no lid, and I was aiming for something that's easy to reach into.

When I had almost given up, my dad noticed something in the corner of the store - up on the top shelves you couldn't get to without a ladder. There were lids for aquariums! And the lids came in the 3.5 gallon tank size! They were mesh lids, which were perfectly fine with me, since the only thing I really want a lid for is to keep him from jumping out. Though a hood with a light would have been nice, it's definitely not required for me.

:lol: So here I am, in my room, with a brand new ROOMY 3.5 gallon tank for my pet betta :D I bet he'll be the happiest betta on campus! Right now I've got him hovering in the tank in a cup from the old bowl.

Just one question here, for anyone: How long ought I acclimate him? Can I release him soon? I want to be careful, since when I initially put him in the cup in the tank he started turning grey around the head and gills, and looked extremely frightened! He has settled down now, but constantly hovers his mouth against the glass as though he is wishing he could explore his new domain!

Also some more good news: My dad partially fixed my camera! I have taken some pictures of the tank, and I'll post them sometime later.

And that time is.... NOW! :sly:

Isn't it beautiful? And huge for my betta! :p
Yeah for Dads and boo on Big Al's. May a mutant betta jump through their picture window! :alien: Duh! Where do they get these clerks from? Anything for a sale. I was gonna say reptile cages have those screen tops but can go to a hardware store, get a roll of screen like you have on your windows and have your dad make a little DIY top. I used screen rubber banded onto the top of this glass fishbowl I have.
You put alot of thought into your purchase which is nice. Your betta is gonna LOVE his new home.
I usually let a fish from the store acclimate about 20 minutes. You want to have the new tank at the same temp as the other one. Give him time to get adjusted. My old one used to hang out at the bottom of his bowl and sulk when I did a water change in his bowl. He turned grey too which was odd as I was careful with everything. You're a good betta-mom and your dad is a good betta-grandpa. :lol:
Well I left him in the cup for about an hour and just released him into the tank 10 minutes ago! He's not sulking and seems to be enjoying his new substrate, plants, and room! Man.... for once he's not hanging out on the edges of the tank and is instead hanging out everywhere! He can practically have littel betta races in there, zooming across the tank that's about 10 times as long as he is plus his fins :p
Sounds like the hard work to find just the right tank for your betta has been worth it! Nice looking tank.
in future if you want a tank that has no lid i reccomend just covering it in cling film or whatever the american equivalent is i leave a tiny corner off for air far smaller than a betta and it also keeps it nice and humid in there. certainly a cheap option which lets the light in. i tend to use it on temporary accomodation

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