Cracking Free Photo Editor


Aug 1, 2006
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I've had this a while, though not used it, but i did today and was quite impressed.
true its not Photoshop. but it a very good editor, with most of the frills.
its a good step up from MS paint too, as it makes size reduction simple. even for those with scant knowledge of the software.
I apologise if this has been mentioned before. but doing a forum search using displays all threads with the word paint and of net written in them. i shudder to think how long it would take to find it. and that's if its there. :blink:

one word of warning though. its fiendishly difficult to get to the download page. you must read every download button carefully. but it is worth it. and the files and program are safe.
but. linky this is a link to CNET (where i got it from first) and is again totally safe.
Just wanted to add also if I can that, "GIMP" that is located on is also a free ALT to Photoshop
Enjoy. :good:
I just wanted to say i have had 'GIMP2' (GNU Image Manipulating Program) for about 2 weeks now and its amazing, best thing thats happened to me in ages!! Making digital photomontages was a great way for me to express feelings i cant say or write down and i lost my copy of photoshop years ago and havent done anthnig since, couldnt afford to.

Then found this program, i actually prefer it to photoshop! Just proves a point, photoshop dont deserve the ammount they get from selling their products, its unecessarily expensive.
Then found this program, i actually prefer it to photoshop! Just proves a point, photoshop dont deserve the ammount they get from selling their products, its unecessarily expensive.
if, as most of us do, you use or make, compressed files. PhotoShops, algorithms are far better than those you will find in none professional kit.. so, there are benefits. but for most of us PhotoShop is totally OTT.
i would be wary of saying other programs are as good as PhotoShop. they may well do, for us, the same job. but in the environment it was built for, commercial graphic and photographic production, PhotoShop peer less. and its cost reflects that.
I'll admit, I'm biased, I've used it since it was ported to PC in the mid nineties. and i, quite legitimately, pay a fraction of the "advertised price" for my upgrades. I'm no special case, I just look hard. deals are always out there. I've had more than one free upgrade from Adobe, over the years. as i said "benefits".

lol, i had intended this thread for those looking for an editor. not as a suggestion for those who already had one, to change.
a free and easy to use, as a starter editor.
personally, I'll stick with PhotoShop.

which gives me an idea.
how about a thread, just for us to post our favourite free editors, along with safe links. perhaps a request to make it sticky, too?
it could be a good resource for the forum. especially those new to it.
I use Corel Paint Shop Pro, its fine for general use I find, and its only around £40

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