cracker jack surpise


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I have recieved new pics from BetterBetta for my Boys: Samson and Bryan, the betta formerly known as Jack. I renamed him for the very helpful Bryan Epstein of BetterBetta/BlueBettasUSA:

This is Bryan, the betta formerly known as Jack
Bryan by the way is not an opaque ct. He is a Gold CT. Better Betta took the trouble to track me down and let me know the correct designation. :*) :D

This is Samson in his full regalia. Perhaps I should have named him Solomon for his kingly display.

I have also bid on a Super Delta Black Copper HM/HMx female for the girly girls. She's a lovely picture and thrown in with other wins from BetterBetta (cories), quite a nice price, if I win her.

Roxana will be a beautiful addition. There will be six with the 2 from Synirr and the three I have from BlueBettaUSA and Roxana.
Yes they are! Someone knows how to get them to strutt their stuff and then take a great pic. I am so pleased that he sent me the pics to show them off.

Look at those rays on Bryan. He's a Cracker Jack Surprise--better known as a Grab Bag on aquabid.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me to win Roxana. :nod: :wub:
so is Synirr the big betta mac daddy so to say? I mean is he the one who sells you guys all the bettas? If so can you get him to send me pictures of all his girls? I really appreciate it.
Well, MaC, there are two threads of Synirr's babies. Go to the thread called Mini spawn fry adoption. It is now 17 pages, but at the first of it is somr dorections and a link to her other spawn/adoption thread. I believe she still has some babies that you can ask her about. They are apparantly well bred and inexpensive.

The other MacDaddy on the Betta forum in breeding is most likely one of our forum moderators, wuvmybetta. She has an adoption coming up in the near future and raises prize winners.

Did I leave anything out?

Oh! Both are ladies. :nod:
wow i've always been afraid to buy one of those cracker jack surprises because i was afraid i'd end up with something ugly. Those are great looking fish!!!
Actually Samson was a special markdow with a sibling female. Bryan, formerly known as Jack, was the CrackerJackaccompanied by two lovely young gold CT females.

His tail is a bit damaged, but it will fill in again, probably not to full show quality, but it is good breeding quality if someone were interested. I do like him. He is just the color I had been thinking about.

I posted a thread of my pics when they first came. It is titled about the CrackerJackSurprise too. There are some pleasant ones of Bryan/Jack. If the tail issues matters to you, the other CT special the have doesn't have issues just overstock.

I really like doing buisness with Bryan, They deliver a great product and good service.
I won Roxana, a Black Copper HM/HMx SuperDelta (?) Female, for $5 + 2.50 shipping. :kana:

She is the third pic.

:band: :fish: :band: :lol: :flowers:
I think she will look nice in the girly tank. :D Of couse this is a generic pic I'm sure. Bryan said he had more if I lost the bid. Still this is the one I chose. I am getting the shipping cheap because I won some cory packages. I will end up with 15 coerie and Roxy.

:band: :band: :fish: :fish: :fish: :band: :band: :band: :band: :fish: :fish: :flowers:

I think she will look nice with Synirr's babies too. :drool:
He is my 11 yr old puppy, Ebenezer's Whiskers. He is 1/4 dachsund and 3/4 yorkie. He's my best friend. :lol: How sad is that?
Not sad at all... My doggies are ALWAYS there for me, don't complain, and love me no matter what. What more do you need from a best friend?? I just had to ask because he is the cutest darn thing!! :wub: :wub:

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