Cracked Snail Shell!


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
One of my snails decided to investigate my clam. The clam tolerated the snail invasion for approximately 3 minutes then snapped shut, flinging the snail across the tank and into some rockwork :crazy:

I just noticed that part of the snails shell has cracked and there is mucous seeping out :sick:

Is it going to die? Can I do anything?
Well I dont know much about snail biology but I would guess the mucus coming out is one of two things, either the snail naturally secreting a substance to plug up the crack to protect itself or it could be the result of a laceration to the snails soft body and could be internal fluid seeping out.
Is the shells badly damaged or is is a small hole? as menioned it might be a secretion to fix itself but i would pay very close attention to it.
Snails are very hardy, and I have seen many with a small hole in their shells. In the wild, a snail with a broken shell (as in a huge crack) would be soon devoured, and thus they may not have a method of repairing large gaps. I'm sure they do though :drool: very hardy indeed, they are.
It has a crack halfway up it's shell from the bottom. It's still feeding though :good: Was a bit quiet for an hour or so then went off up the glass again :)

Panic is now officially over B)
It may heal in time.. as long as a shrimp doesnt spot the weakness and try to eat it fromthe inside out :sick:
Ooh I hope my shrimps don't try it! They are in my bad books for stealing from my sun coral :grr:

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