Cracked Shell on Golden Apple Snail


New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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I have a golden apple snail in my tank along with 4 other fishes. In the past couple of days, I have noticed a big crack at the entrance of the shell. At first I thought it was a growth problem, but it appeared overnight, was too big, and there are crack lines branching out from the crack.

Could the other fishes be tearing apart her shell? If so, will they eventually eat her? Should I remove her to a bowl? Or could she just have fallen off the tank wall and injured herself? If so, will she recover or should I intervene and figure out how to patch up the crack?

She is still moving around, climbing up the tank walls, sliding through the gravel, and eating up my aqua-plants. She doesn't appear to be suffering much from the crack.

Any help with be appreciated.






I have a Gold Apple that had a similar crack but it's fine. If the crack is only on the surface, it's not a problem. If it goes all the way to the second layer of shell, it might cause infection and die.

Most likely it just fell and cracked it. It's a sign of low calcium and lack of nutrition often if they crack or split easy. Try buying a supplement or using cuttlebone to increase the calcium in the water though this may increase your pH some. None of the fish you have are particularly sensitive to slightly higher pH levels fortunately. It should also help your Ghosts with their molting.
Thank goodness!

I was worried that it would be hopelessly fatal. But she seemed to be handling it well, still zooming thru the water (she's pretty fast for a snail) and munching on a piece of carrot I dropped down there.

I'm gonna take care of this calcium thing.

Thanks for your help, Teelie.


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