Crabs & Snails


New Member
Sep 17, 2005
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H hoping someone can help, I have two red thai crabs in my 2 x 1 x 1 ft tank. They have been fine up to now living with my fish and two golden apple snails. Over the last 4 days both my snails have died, I caught a crab breaking throught the shell of the second one, the crabs are only 1 1/2 inch across so was very surprised that they might do this. The only advice I have been given is that the snails may have been on there way out anyway and the crabs took advantage, the snails were roughly 18 months old, i have no idea how long they live! My lfs told me the snails excrete a slime that will put off the crabs!. I know i have waffled on but can anyone help me. I like the crabs but now fear for my fish so the only thing to do is take them back to the LFS. Any advise would be great,

my bro had 2 smaller than yours they ate 1 guppys.the best think to do is either sell them or but them in a breeding trap or something.
Crabs tend to be good for species only tank, they will take advantage of any situation and eat almost anything, your fish are in danger, they need to be removed or expect some casualties. Crabs are lovely to keep but give them their own space and you can enjoy them without worrying about your other animals in the tank.
I have a quite small crab, dont know what type, but have had him a while, no deaths and i have a non moving frog which would be an easy target. Just feed them well enough on sinking tablets.

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