crabs, snails etc etc


Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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hi very recently started a tank, 3ft. have 4 guppies (2 of each) 12 baby neons, and a goldfish( dont ask lol)

any will have to wait a week or so before adding couple more fish so am considering crabs etc etc

what can i get and how to keep etc???
I used to have a 10 gallon with community fish too! I had an apple snail in it. Apple snails WILL grow though (hence their name) but they are awesome to watch and do a good job at cleaning! The cooooolest thing to do with an apple snail is to set a video camera up and film the aquarium for about 30 minutes, then get the video and speed it up either on the computer or on an editing system! You'll see how much the snail treks!

Hope things work out well for ya!
My mystery snail is pretty lively and comes to the surface to eat.

I'm not sure about the crabs. Mine died. i was told they need land to climb onto otherwise they drown.
oh right, but i sware i saw a few little crabs in bottom of a filled tropical tank in a shop yesterday, were only maybe 1.5" but were well cool to watch

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