Crabs And Snails


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Im about to order some cleaners,

12red legs
12blue legs
24 turbo snails.

If i got them orderd for morninig would they stil be ok if they wasent put in the tank for say 3 hours?

Also how long should ur acclimate them?
They will be fine

I would acclimtise them for a couple of hours :good: after getting the temp in the bag equlized with the tank temp
Are they being shipped? If so, it depends on how they are shipped. Best shippers ship snails dry, with just wet paper towel or newspaper or something like that. In that case, just float to temp and place in tank upright, with lights out.

The redlegs and bluelegs will be aggressive ... will eat other snails ... and if "turbo" means astraea IMO/IME you are throwing away money as they will be lunch when they tip over and can't right themselves. You might do a bit more research ... even just a search here on the subject.

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