Crab with eggs...


Fish Fanatic
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle, USA
I have a female red clawed crab carrying eggs.! What should I do. She seems like she is trying to get out of the water. Will she lay them somewhere or will they hatch whille still attached to her? What are the chances of them hatching? She is in brackinh water with my puffers. i assume the puffers will eat them. I have an extra tank but it is not cycled or even remotely ready to handle fish. I would love to have them hatch! Any help greatly appreciated. Pics to follow.


OK, Pics are up...

Please let me know what you think.
Crabs spawn by the female releasing eggs as the male fertilizes them. So unless she has a mate theres no hope, aand if she's trying to get out the tank you shoul make her a terrerium to lay her eggs in.
I have 1 male and 2 females.

I can't find much info about where she will drop them. Will she attach them to a rock or scatter them or does she hold them until they hatch? Should I put the in a tank without a filter so they don't get sucked in after they hatch. Any ideas what I can feed the fry?

If any body knows of a good web site I would really appreciate it.

I just noticed the same on my RCC, the Eggs will have to be relesed into the water colum, crab larve are free swimmers, they have tails and swim.

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