Crab Tank Help


Aug 1, 2006
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I've kept crab in my community for some time no. but would now like to start a true crab tank! I have a 24"x12"x12" tank. i plan to have some water, brackish and some beach and stony aria too. thng is i dont know how to do the split between the water and land i will use a 3g per ltr brackish mix. unless people have other ideas. things like heating and filteraton. are crabs like Crayfish in not being bothered by nitrates, so needing only rare water changes and topping up for evaporation? the water and the filter media will come from my community tank. any help?
lol sorted guys thanks for all the help. be sure i will reward all who participated. :D :D :D :D :D
LOL, i was thinking of donig a 24x12x12 crab tank. (10uk gallons right) and i was going to slope the gravel and put some rocks on the high end.
lol sorted guys thanks for all the help. be sure i will reward all who participated. :D :D :D :D :D
Lol.. I dont think people are ignoring you, its just there are very few people on here that keep crabs.
My mixed tank is doing great. Used ocean rock to scape the back and built it out of the water, also added bog wood and a salt pool to the top of the tank and everyone seems really happy :) My crabs love the ocean rock as its full of holes and places to hide :)
LOL, i was thinking of donig a 24x12x12 crab tank. (10uk gallons right) and i was going to slope the gravel and put some rocks on the high end.
lol i found all i needed on the net, added some bits for myself and, bingo. it was far more complicated than i had thought.
you should post some pics when you have it all set up :good:

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