CRAB Island


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
Does anyone have any idea how to make an island in a tank. I have a red clawed crab who likes to climb on top of my pump and well, just sit there for a while. B) He can't escape because the lid is always closed.

So anyway Im needing an island that will remain stationary and the crab can climb aboard. Any Ideas??
lower the water level, put in some wood( mopani bog wood or such )and make an island for them! from what i read they ideally need shallow water for crabs! ( form many local lfs and the mudskipper tank i am hoping to sort out with fiddler crabs!)

what else you got in the tank!
Thanks for the advise, although I don't think I can lower the water level enough to make it 'shallow'. I don't think the other fish would appreciate it. :unsure: The crab seems to do ok in the tank as it is, and my tank is 2ft deep. As I said he can currently climb up the pump for a bit of fresh air(don't know how though). Maybe I could attatch a piece of bogwood to a stick or a plant. So the crab can climb up the stick/plant and can sit on the bogwood without it floating away. What do you think?

Anyway my about my tank. I have recently up graded my tank from a 2' tank to a 4' that holds 300l. So Im in the middle of deciding what kind of fish I want. Currently I have 1xLeapard Plec, 1xSpotted Cory (needs a friend) 2x pimpictus 1xredclawed crab 1xswordtail 1xblackwidow tetra 2x Angels (Male and Female breeding pair) and two Puffers.

What about you?
I have the perfect solution for you my friend. I used to use it for a newt. Go to your lfs ( they might not have one) what it is . It's a piece of plastic made to look like a underwater moutain sort of. It has to suction cups so you can stick it to the glass. make it lay half in the water and put rocks on the top so its above water. I know this sounds sort of confusing so ill look for a picture of it and the brand name. Hoold on ill keep you posted.
Well thanks everyone for your suggestions. I quite like steve-o's idea, but I couldn't see the picture. Seems like the link is down :angry: But I think i got the idea.

elgecko, nice tank but as i also said before lowering the water like you is not something I want to do. My other fish wouldn't like it. Although there is about a 2" air gap between the water and the lid. So maybe if I can find a big piece of drift wood like yours it would be ok.

Well thanks again guys
i used to have one fiddler crab and it used to sit atop the filter it was sunbathing in the glow of the light. i saw some drift wood with little sucktion cups attached to it in the pet shop yesterday. thinking more and more that i should have got some.and that i had used white sand. never mind will have to do that in the next tank i do. perhaps as my recomendation some suction cups on a peice of bog wood ither attached with plastic coated wire or silicone sealent and near the top of the tank. make shure the sealent is well dry before any contact with water.
in the member pics....playfulliecat has a pic in one of the tanks of what i was describing...(it is underwater though

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