well you got Chinese Redcrab there. cracking little beasts. all the above information is quite correct. however, if you keep your stock to one or two, it is possible to add a little dry area with a small pool of brackish, i use 1gram to 1litre. in the well secured lid. this is not the ideal way to keep these guys. but it has been done successfully, by several members, and the ages, though they varied, came out to about two years. but if you are really into the crabs, they dont actually need a tank they are infact land crabs (do not get convinced that they are totally aquatic) and use the water to feed in. but they live and sleep on land.
a 24x12x15 inch tank, divided into 2 sections, 1/3 and 2/3. water being 1/3 land the rest. you will need to provide damp sand for them to sleep in, so you can not just split the tank dry and wet. how you do this is something you will need to research. there are a good few examples on the net. how you achieve the split will make the difference between a thriving colony and a dwindling one. a lodge this size will support 5 or 6 crabs.