Crab Help

summat fishy

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire United Kingdom
hello everyone...rite i bought some red crabs yesterday and they are in my freshwater setup on their own and now ive just found out they are brackish...i dont have any aquarium salt but i do have some natural sea salt. is this ok? also how would i go applying it to the tank? the crabs seem happy at the moment though...thanks in advance summat fishy :(
You're in a good situation - they need sea salt as aquarium salt do nothing.

They should do fine in any low-end brackish salinity.
Making a freshwater tank brackish isn't really okay with the vast majority of common freshwater fish (livebearers being the only notable exceptions). For example, Tetras, Cories, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Plecos, etc won't do well in even a mildly brackish tank.

If you want to keep the crab in the tank, I suggest you lower your water level and find somewhere to suspend a dish of brackish water. From what I understand they mainly need salty water to soak in for molting...besides that freshwater is fine.
made a brackish pool at the top of the aquarium using a reptile feeding dish and putting it on top of the filter. the crab seems to be usign it! i used some aquarium water 2 pinches of sea salt. hope this is ok but they are both very happy looking crabs! thanks for the advice! :)
made a brackish pool at the top of the aquarium using a reptile feeding dish and putting it on top of the filter. the crab seems to be usign it! i used some aquarium water 2 pinches of sea salt. hope this is ok but they are both very happy looking crabs! thanks for the advice! :)

1gram to the litre, will be fine for the redcrab.

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