Fish Addict
Hi all, my son is at me to convert his 20gallon bowfront all in one to a nano reef, so I thought I'd stop in here and get some opinions and advice and questions answered.
First up its currently a cycled tropical with mollies in it, a friend gave them to me as we had heard its possible to cycle a marine tank with them , so first question(s) is it possible to convert a FW to marine by adding a bit more salt every week or is it best to fully strip it down and start again?
The tank currently uses playsand for substrate, I figure this needs to be changed whats the ideal substrate for a nano? crushed shell, calcium carbonate, and I recently read live sand? what others?
The tank currently runs a overhead trickle filter anything extra I need to add to it? how much live rock will I be needing to add?
I can pick up a small skimmer for a good price and fit hopefully with out to many hassels, do I really need it to start with or at all? or will weekly water changes suffice?
I'm not planning live corals etc just the fake stuff (god knows I dont need that much work
) so whats the minimum lighting I should be thinking
Anything else to consider that I forgot to mention?
First up its currently a cycled tropical with mollies in it, a friend gave them to me as we had heard its possible to cycle a marine tank with them , so first question(s) is it possible to convert a FW to marine by adding a bit more salt every week or is it best to fully strip it down and start again?
The tank currently uses playsand for substrate, I figure this needs to be changed whats the ideal substrate for a nano? crushed shell, calcium carbonate, and I recently read live sand? what others?
The tank currently runs a overhead trickle filter anything extra I need to add to it? how much live rock will I be needing to add?
I can pick up a small skimmer for a good price and fit hopefully with out to many hassels, do I really need it to start with or at all? or will weekly water changes suffice?
I'm not planning live corals etc just the fake stuff (god knows I dont need that much work

Anything else to consider that I forgot to mention?