Courting Guppy And Platies!


Aug 19, 2006
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Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
I have one male guppy and two female platies and they were courting! What's more, one of the platies is pregnant, but I don't know if it was from the store. Could I have guties and plappies soon?!?!?!
the platy is probably pregnant from another male platy from the store, they can store sperm for 6 months or something, also, guppies are known to court with anything lol
yea i noticed that i have a random feeder guppy and it tried courting with a fry that is about half its size today. i was wonderign about it, but now i know thanks demonmagus i jsut thought my guppy was super hrney little bugger now i know they all do it. next demonmagus is right they can store sperm for a very long time so it really could be any male that is either platty or swordtail that she came in contact with.

as forthe hybridizing, as far as i know (w/ common livebearers) only guppies and mollies can hybridize (never actually heard of this being done successfully as far as i know its jsut a theory based on their family or something) and platies and swordtails (which do his jsut as easily as it is to add them to your tank)

i doubt anythign will come out of it, if they do form a bond the platy will never become pregnant with the guppy babies. sorry to be a downer i woulda been so excited to find out my babies turned out to be a new hybrid.

*note* if the fry come out and grow up to be weird looking please keep us informed though i doubt anything big will happen out of it, but a freindship :good:

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