Couple questions on breeding


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Jan 17, 2005
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Alright, first off please dont tell me to go to the Pinned topics because I already did. I just want to know if what I'm doing is correct. I am currently conditioning my two bettas for a week and a half. Today is the first day. I plan to do 100% WC every 3 days while feeding them live blackworms twice a day. The spawning setup is a 10 gallon tank filled halfway. I am going to install a sponge filter, a heater, a couple of live plants, 2 whole indian almond leaves, a couple of pvc pipes, and that's about it. When the frys hatch I plan to feed them infusoria since I cant get my hands on microworms. Is that alright? Thanks for reading this looooooong post :D
Why can't you get your hands on microworms? Have you asked anybody around here? I know I don't ever mind giving away a culture...ya know. They're not impossible to get ahold of.

Everything sounds good,but you might want to skip the PVC pipe. I can just imagine wee fry taking refuge along the sides of it and if it even rocks a little when you're fiddling around in there you could squish them easily. I'd wait to add that until they're a few weeks old. If it was intended for the female, fake plants will do.
Getting a microworm culture would be highly recommended... they're super easy and my fry are lovin' them :)
Also try to get ahold of some brine shrimp eggs if you haven't already. Other than that, it sounds like you've got everything in order! Good luck with the spawn!
Here's something weird. Some of you have seen Mayo, my male betta and now that I've taken a closer look at him, his delta/super delta tail (rounded before) is now looking more rose-like. This is my first spawn so I want everything to be recorded and perfected even if it's not successful, I can always go back and figure out why.

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