Couple of questions


New Member
Jun 20, 2004
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Somewhere only we know....
Hello, Im new here and just have acouple of questions. Weve just moved over to tropical from plain goldfish :)

I have a question about our Gourami, we have 3, two quite large and one smaller. Is there any way you can tell if they are male or female?

We also have 2 guppies, I believe them to be one of each. They seem really close all the time, and appear to chase each other. Is this normal?

We are not particulary bothered with breeding fish, but would be interested to know :)

Thanks in advance.
the females are usually quite drab in colour compared to the males. and, if you have dwarf gourami (this does not apply to the honey gourami) males grow to 6cm, while females grow to about 4cm.

Happy 2 Help :D
I've heard the way to determine sex in gouramis is usually to look at the shape of the trailing edge of the dorsal fin. The males' fin will be more 'pointed' than the females'.
That's true with the Gourami. The only real difference is usually in the dorsal fin. The guppies you should probably have 2 females or more per male or else the female may end up dead from being harassed by the male.

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