couple of questions...

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2005
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My Bristlenose is all over the tank, on the walls, the heater, the thermometer, his small stone cave house, the gravel and the plants. my concern is, there's no algae to be seen anywhere so I'm wondering if he is getting enough to eat or is he desperately searching for something, anything!
I was feeding my 5 mollies twice a day with a tiny scoop from a plastic spoon so I didn't have to touch the food with my fingers, now I'm down to once a day so as not to start a tank full of rotten food that they miss and sinks, every three days I drop an algae pellet in for the bristlenose too and sometimes a pea, he ignores the pea but latches onto the pellet when he finally becomes aware of it(my mollies love em both).
Do you think he's ok or do I need to start feeding the mollies twice a day again to start increasing the algae production so the cat has something too?
Or am I worrying about nothing because even though I can't see the algae, that doesn't mean it isn't there, so he's getting what he needs?

Also, I've decided to stock with 3 ottos and 9 or 10 lemon tetras, which will put my tank at:
29 gallon (U.S)109Litres?
1 bristlenose
3 ottos
5 mollies'
9 or 10 lemon tetras
will this be compatable, overstocked or unhealthy in any way?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
just wanted to add that, yes, I DO always search the forums for info/answers before posting. I'm just not seeing anything specific enough.
try feeding bloodworm 2 or 3 times a sons tank is full of neons and tetras of various varieties and they love it..see if the bristle nose eats any??most fish love bloodworm.don't know anything about a bristlenose,but it's only a suggestion.
We get an algae build up if we leave our lights on too long. So maybe increase the length of time your lights are on and the algae will build up naturally without you having to overfeed the other fish.
I personally only feed my fish once every 2 days.

Can't you give the BN algae wafers more often?
I;ve increased the length of time the light is on to about 12 or 14 hours a day, and i'll drop an algae pellet in every two days now but with the pellet and the flake food, that seems like an awful lot for such small fish? also, the light must be having an effect on my of my aponogetons has sprouted about 9 inches overnight and is currently flowering at the top!
try to feed the other fish only enough flakes that they consume in a few minutes. Add a few flakes, let them eat them, then add a few more. That way you wont get so much waste falling to the bottom.
Gave my bristlnose a slice of cucumber last night and he was still munching it an hour later
Also he likes chewing on the driftwood
i feed daphnia to my smallest fishies.Its great for their digestion system.My plec loves cucumber and alge wafers too.And they do like a tiny bit of lettuce.The big fish love bloodworms though.

I would feed flakes and just give them treats once a week or so.
thanks for the advice everyone, i'm going to follow it.

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