Couple Of Questions, Please Help!


New Member
May 25, 2010
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I've just bought my first tank, a 20l (5g?) coldwater tank, to get me started with keeping fish.

I was intending to keep a couple of goldfish, an apple snail, and maybe an algae feeder that will clean the tank a bit :).

I'm sure I sound very naive but have a couple of questions.

1. I'm now pretty sure that a 20l is NOT big enough to house these fish, can someone confirm?
2. I've got the tank set up with just some gravel and the filter running at the moment, I've added some dechlorinator and stress coat, and I think the tap water contains some ammonia. I will test the water but if I now leave that for, say, 10 days, will the tank be ready for the fish to be added?
3. I'm aware of the pros and cons of live/fake plants, but was wondering if the apple snail would require live plants to survive?
4. If, as I suspect, the tank is too small for the aforementioned fish, could anyone reccommend a community?

Thanks very much in advance, I hope you guys can help :D
I've just bought my first tank, a 20l (5g?) coldwater tank, to get me started with keeping fish.

I was intending to keep a couple of goldfish, an apple snail, and maybe an algae feeder that will clean the tank a bit :).

I'm sure I sound very naive but have a couple of questions.

1. I'm now pretty sure that a 20l is NOT big enough to house these fish, can someone confirm? you need a 20 GALLON for ONE goldfish, and most often (depending on the species) you need to just consider them a pond fish because goldfish grow from 8-16 inches, with some species getting longer than 2 feet! (commons, koi - yes, a koi is a goldfish!!)
2. I've got the tank set up with just some gravel and the filter running at the moment, I've added some dechlorinator and stress coat, and I think the tap water contains some ammonia. I will test the water but if I now leave that for, say, 10 days, will the tank be ready for the fish to be added? you water will be no closer on the 10th day than on the first day, we have a great beginners section on cycling! CLICK HERE FOR CYCLING RESOURCE CENTER
3. I'm aware of the pros and cons of live/fake plants, but was wondering if the apple snail would require live plants to survive? An apple snail may not be a choice for this tank, it would fit but there would really be no point due to their waste, it would still need to be considered into the stocking, so unless it is something you really love and are willing to give up fish for, you may want to consider getting rid of the snail idea. and as far as needing live plants, I am not positive, but live plants are so beneficial to an aquarium and you can get some very EASY plants - - i keep java moss balls and water wisteria with out any CO2 systems or ferts and they thrive in my tanks (especially the wisteria, can be rooted or left floating which is what i do)
4. If, as I suspect, the tank is too small for the aforementioned fish, could anyone reccommend a community? absolutely!!! But do yourself and pick up a tiny heater....then you could have 1) a little group of african dwarf frogs, 2) a shrimp community, 3) a betta with 2 african dwarf frogs, 4) a female betta with 2 african dwarf frogs, 5) a sparking gourami (they are quite tiny and pretty) but someone will have to come by and give you more info on the gourami...I can answer any questions about 1-4, but am not an expert on possibility #5 ....

also for a 5 gallon tank, you should be able to do the maintenance and keep up with the algae on its own....algae eaters are best for big tanks with massive filtration because they are huge waste producers!

Thanks very much in advance, I hope you guys can help :D

and, of course, WELCOME!!!
and, of course, WELCOME!!!

Jenste this is fantastic, thank you!

I'm keeping the tank in my bedroom, and am already trying hard to convince my girlfriend that the noise of the filter isn't that bad! Will a heater be noisy as well?

I'll have a look at the cycling page, cheers for that.
Heaters are silent; well mine has a thermostat and it clicks on and off. It annoyed me to begin with and now I don't notice it and I am a fussy/light sleeper.

You could also get a simgle male betta in there (he will fill the whole tank and they have brilliant personalities).
Would the Betta need a heated tank? yup!!! fish stores neglect (sometimes intentionally don't mention) the fact that bettas are a TROPICAL species....lower tempterature will eventually mean shorter lifespan!! a nice tropical setting keeps them happy, active, healthy, and vibrant. colder temps slows down their digestive processes too - - not good for an active fish! and yes, you can absolutely keep a male betta singularly in this tank and he will be quite happy...i simply also mention the dwarf frogs because some people don't like using a tank for only one fish and this way you have a nice bit of activity along the bottom as well!
Just checked out LFS, the only 25W heater they had was too long for my tank (triangle shaped to fit in a corner).

So I'll have to stick to coldwater fish for now I guess.

Any suggestions for a few cold fish suitable for such a small tank?

Thanks :D
Just checked out LFS, the only 25W heater they had was too long for my tank (triangle shaped to fit in a corner).

So I'll have to stick to coldwater fish for now I guess.

Any suggestions for a few cold fish suitable for such a small tank?

Thanks :D

could you attach extra suction cups and put it at an angle?? or possibly search online for a small heater on ebay?
I could have a look... Although the more I think about it the more I'm leaning toward keeping it cold as it's my first tank, would be good experience! Could I keep a Black Moor? I hear they don't get as big as other goldfish?
unfortunately is still a goldfish, is massive in body and produces a ton of waste....

like i said earlier, 20 gallons is the minumum for goldfish species, with most requiring much much more.

a good way to picture a fish in a tank - - slow fish like the black moor, need a tank at least 6 times the POTENTIAL full grown size long, and three to four times the POTENTIAL full grown size wide. this gives the fish ample swimming and turning around room. for active fish, you need much more.

so even a 20 gallon is massively undercutting the needs, but it is suitable if massively filtered.

unfortunately, you need to forget the goldfish idea completely or get a much much larger tank and a massive filtering system.

most goldfish should really be kept only in ponds of 50+ gallon tanks (for 2-3 fish!)
and as for coldwater being easier - - it really isn't in a small and seasonal temperature can affect water temperature enough that you may even have to consider a way to COOL your tank - - most fish keepers can turn the heaters off, or at least down, during the warmer months due to the atmosphere being warmer around the tank, thus heating the water.

large tanks are more easier to stabilize - - the greater volume of water means it would take much longer for the temperature to fluctuate
and as for coldwater being easier - - it really isn't in a small and seasonal temperature can affect water temperature enough that you may even have to consider a way to COOL your tank - - most fish keepers can turn the heaters off, or at least down, during the warmer months due to the atmosphere being warmer around the tank, thus heating the water.

large tanks are more easier to stabilize - - the greater volume of water means it would take much longer for the temperature to fluctuate

Ok, looks like I took on more than I had bargained for!! Thanks again Jenste you've been really helpful, but I've one more question, is there any fish I could actually keep in this tank without a heater?
Just checked out LFS, the only 25W heater they had was too long for my tank (triangle shaped to fit in a corner).

So I'll have to stick to coldwater fish for now I guess.

Any suggestions for a few cold fish suitable for such a small tank?

Thanks :D

My heater is only about 6" long (mine is an aqua one 25w heater and it cost £13). I have seen much bigger ones though of the same wattage and at least twice the price.
Thanks Dipsy, I'll look into this.

But I refer to my previous question, is anyone aware of any fish I could keep in such a small tank without a heater?

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