Couple of newbie questions


New Member
Dec 11, 2003
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i was just wondering about danios. i have read some places that they are sometimes a little agressive towards other small fish.

i will soon be getting a 29 gallon tank and i wish to keep:

5-6 neon tetras
a small school of either zebra danios (NOT glofish) or longfin leopard danios (havent decided which, maybe both.)
maybe a couple otos or other bottom feeder

later i may add some different tetras like rainbow tetras, maybe some type of glass fish, or ghost shrimp. also my LFS has some really tiny fish which i cant remember their name, but it had peacock in it, they have red/pink, black, yellow etc and are about 6-7 bucks cdn.

anyways out of theese fish what will get along together?

also one other question about aquarium decorations. i want to add a small warhammer 40k fig to the tank ( a small tau firewarrior B) ) j/w if it would be safe to put it in. theese figs are just plastic models that you glue together and paint with special model paint, im not sure exaclty what it is but it is NOT the same stuff u use on model cars. would it be ok for the fish or should it have some sort of protective coating? :dunno:
alright, thanks for the response. and what about adding that fig to the water, is it safe?

also i was thinking about using white sand as my substrate, this shouldnt be a problem with theese fish as long as it isnt crushed coral, right?
You can mix and match the danios they should all shoal together (that's what i did) ;)
cool thanks for all the fish answers guys/girls. id still like to know if its safe to put that fig in the tank with my fish.

- hmm i will probably get 3 of each zebra and leopard danios
According to "Aquariums For Dummies" using a polyurethane varnish will seal up any wood so it will not leach into the water. I imagine that it would seal up the model and any paint on it. It says to use at least three coats. Also check to make sure that it would not mess up the paint on the model (try a little dab somewhere that is not noticable). If it can not seal every bit of it up I would worry about using it, especially if there is any metal parts in it.
sure, ill post pics when i can. wont be for a while yet though ill be getting the tank for xmas.

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