Couple Id's


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX, USA
just lookin thru my tank and wanted to get a couple ID's of things so that i could read up on them.


these are feather dusters growing out of my live rock i'm assuming?


these are really small and there are several of them growning on the side of my tank, what are these? are they bad or good? if bad what causes them?


these are little bubble things that are growing off my live rock as well. alot of them are starting to pop up out of this particular rock, what are these?

thanks for the replies :good:

first ones look like feather duster type filter feeders, i have a few of them.

second ive seen before in another topic somewher i think mark76 ... had them ... i think the ywere deemeed safe, he may be able to tell u if they were or not ... i think it was him who had a smiliar thing!

third im not entirely sure on, have to wait for someone elsde on that 1!
First pic are feather dusters

second pic small feather duster is it on your glass and tiny?nothing to worry about

third pic ooooo bubble algea this isnt good but not terrible
First pic are feather dusters

second pic small feather duster is it on your glass and tiny?nothing to worry about

third pic ooooo bubble algea this isnt good but not terrible

Yep - bubble algae alright!

Seen as a pest but I think it looks attractive when there's only a little - had a turbo with a big one on his shell.

Can be removed by hand if you want rid but proceed with caution - pop one of those little bubbles and you'll have spores everywhere. Emerald crab is one way to control it - he'll eat them for you!
are those feather dusters going to stay on my glass for good, or will they end up moving around?

if i got an emerald crap would that be safe to keep with my pincushion urchin?
are those feather dusters going to stay on my glass for good, or will they end up moving around?

if i got an emerald crap would that be safe to keep with my pincushion urchin?

those feather dusters on your glass are actually SPIRORBID WORMS there said to be "harmless additions to your reef" you can read more about them here

i have loads of them more than i care for.. they do not move... i scrape them off my glass with a razor from time 2 time. they reproduce like crazy here is a pic i posted last time some one asked about them this is my tank
.... i dont mind them on the rocks but they bug me on the glass .. everything in my tank is covered with them even hermits shells.

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