Couple Figure 8 Puffer Questions [img]


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Mar 2, 2009
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I have a single baby figure 8 puffer in a 5g corner tank that I previously used at a QT. Yes, I know I will need to get him a bigger tank soon, but right now he is only about an inch (2.5 centimeters).

As for salinity, the pet store kept him at 1.002 so I have added 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt (what the pet store was using) per gallon. However, I can't seem to find a good way to measure the salinity of the water. All the Hydrometers I have seen don't register changes between 1.002-1.005. Is there a reliable way to detect such small amounts or can I stick to measuring out the amount of salt added?

Should I switch to marine salt? Would I just start adding the marine salt, instead of aquarium salt, during all my regular water changes? Should I go higher than 1.005?

Realistically, how at what point will my puffer become stressed due to the size of his current tank? I know a single f8 puffer should have a 15g+ tank when he is mature. Should I move him when he reaches 2 inches (5 centimeters)?

Anyone know the gph of an eclipse 5 filter? Seems like the flow is small, but I guess it is a small tank...

5 gallon eclipse corner tank -- He is camera shy, but you can barely see him behind the plant.
I have a single baby figure 8 puffer in a 5g corner tank that I previously used at a QT. Yes, I know I will need to get him a bigger tank soon, but right now he is only about an inch (2.5 centimeters).

As for salinity, the pet store kept him at 1.002 so I have added 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt (what the pet store was using) per gallon. However, I can't seem to find a good way to measure the salinity of the water. All the Hydrometers I have seen don't register changes between 1.002-1.005. Is there a reliable way to detect such small amounts or can I stick to measuring out the amount of salt added?

Should I switch to marine salt? Would I just start adding the marine salt, instead of aquarium salt, during all my regular water changes? Should I go higher than 1.005?

Realistically, how at what point will my puffer become stressed due to the size of his current tank? I know a single f8 puffer should have a 15g+ tank when he is mature. Should I move him when he reaches 2 inches (5 centimeters)?

Anyone know the gph of an eclipse 5 filter? Seems like the flow is small, but I guess it is a small tank...

5 gallon eclipse corner tank -- He is camera shy, but you can barely see him behind the plant.

Aquarium salt is a medicine salt - marine salt is what you require and is probably why your hydrometer is not registering a change. Do you have a swing-arm hydrometer?

You don't have to go higher than 1.005. I keep my figure 8 tank between 1.003 and 1.005 mostly. Try adding plants to break up your puffers line of sight which will make him feel like the tank is bigger than it is and give him more to explore.

I don't know when you should move him - probably as soon as you can. Your puffer will be almost fully grown at 2 inches.

I can't help with the filter either I'm afraid - all i can suggest is an internet search.
Your F8 will love you so much if you can get a nice big tank for it sooner not later! These fish, regardless of size, just LOVE to swim up and down the tank.

As said, you need marine salt, not aquarium salt and an SG of 1.005 will be perfect for it and you should look at using it as soon as possible.

50% weekly water changes and LOTS of filtration will be needed.

F8 puffers grow to 3 inches approsimately but you do need to think about that bigger tank as a priority.

My two 3 inch F8s are in a metre log 140L tank with massive amounts of filtration and a fluctuating SG. Lots of plants and cave to hide in and a swarm of bumblebee gobies are in there too.
I try to mimic tidal changes in a very loose manner and sometimes do FW changes as opposed to SW. You need to get that marine salt though as the aquarium salt won't be doing much at all. You could get yourself a refractometer which will be very accurate, but I used to use a floating hydrometer for my tank.
Thanks for your help.
Off to buy marine salt, a passive ammonia meter, more decorations for him to play in, and possibly a second filter since I can always use that.

Will probably buy some black sand too because I read puffers prefer sand to gravel.

I am looking at the 20g eclipse tank, 15g nano cube, or 16 gallon biorbe as a permanent home for the little guy.

He is on a bedside table so I am looking for a somewhat stylish, quiet aquarium < $200. Any suggestions?
Here's a suggestion...FORGET the idea of a biorb for the F8. It will NOT be in any way happy! You want a 20 gallon tank or more I'd suggest and one with superb filtration. Biorbs as stock tanks are in no way suitable for any form of puffer - ot even dwarf puffs. I have a 60L one with DPs in and it's heavily modified to remove the stock filtration and accomodate sand an an internal filter. It wouldn't be ok for an F8 even modified. Way to small.
Thanks for your help.
Off to buy marine salt, a passive ammonia meter, more decorations for him to play in, and possibly a second filter since I can always use that.

Will probably buy some black sand too because I read puffers prefer sand to gravel.

I am looking at the 20g eclipse tank, 15g nano cube, or 16 gallon biorbe as a permanent home for the little guy.

He is on a bedside table so I am looking for a somewhat stylish, quiet aquarium < $200. Any suggestions?

Skip on the passive ammonia meter and get a test kit, it will be infinitely more valuable.

And I had a pair of 5inch figure 8s. They were from a tank where they were all that size! I think they're underestimated..
Skip on the passive ammonia meter and get a test kit, it will be infinitely more valuable.

Don't worry. I have a water droplet test kit too. But I like the passive meters since I don't test my water every day.

Yesterday I converted his tank to a sandy bottom with tons of plants, performed a full water change, and added a cup of marine salt to bring salinity up to 1.005.

I still plan on getting a secondary canister filter and larger tank, but those aren't nearly as urgent.

What about hex tanks? Do puffers prefer vertical or horizontal space?
Skip on the passive ammonia meter and get a test kit, it will be infinitely more valuable.

Don't worry. I have a water droplet test kit too. But I like the passive meters since I don't test my water every day.

Yesterday I converted his tank to a sandy bottom with tons of plants, performed a full water change, and added a cup of marine salt to bring salinity up to 1.005.

I still plan on getting a secondary canister filter and larger tank, but those aren't nearly as urgent.

What about hex tanks? Do puffers prefer vertical or horizontal space?

They use all areas of the tank - top, middle and bottom, as long as there is plenty to explore then i reckon that they wouldn't mind
Horizontal space is more important than up and down. Mine love nothing more than to zoom about the length of the tank and follow me up and down the room.

A standard shape longer than taller tank would be perfect :)

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