Couple Coral Question


Aug 24, 2006
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What is the differences between Open brain coral and close brain coral besides that one is a lot more expensive then the other one.

I was also reading that you can superglue coral to live rock. That will not harm anything in the tank and how long does it take to cure.


Well here is the problem. I have a green ricordea and it keep moving from it's spot where I inistally set it up. I also have a Colt coral that I'm suppose to put on the sand but the engineer goby and the Diamond back keep on digging under it and then it falls over and becomes all weird looking until I right it back up. I pretty much had it with moving that thing. I was wondering If I should glue it to a piece of live rock so it doesn't get bangedup

Open Brain:


Closed Brain:


Both corals have large tentacles that cannot be seen in the day, and will extend from the polyps at night to feed, these tentacles can sting other corals so they should be placed away from neighbouring corals. I havent had much experience with an open brain but i have a pink and green closed brain and the colours are beautiful in the day, i place mine on the substrate.

I would use aquarium epoxy where you can, but other forum members have had success with superglue.

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