Couldn't resist


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
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Long island, New York
I went to the not so local LFS to get some Dwarf loaches. The scientific sounds like Botia Sid-the-monkey. Anyway I just got a Ropefish. I did some research and saw that someone said they could grow 3 feet long :crazy: He looks cool. He has a very snakelike appearence. He is long and thin and has a snake head. Is it hard to feed them or something because from my sources they say yes :dunno: They say they have bad eyesight and can't compete for food but he will have to when he move in with the gudgeon. The loaches are so jumpy and active. They are Diurnal right? (Diurnal is opposite of nocturnal, think about it) I like them. The Ropefish is going in the 30 in my sig and the loaches in the 55. As of now they are in separate quarantine tanks. I'll get pics asap :thumbs:
Youve got the tanks the wrong way around, the reed fish will need to go into the 55 as it will grow to around 18: or more.
Yep the Ropefish will need the bigger tank. B. sidthimunki (Chain Loach) is a great little fish and quite rare I have some at the moment in my small asian tank. They are always active until lights out when they tend to go and lay on the pump until morning. I have a mirror on the back of that tank and they are constantly swimming up and down watching their reflection. Mine love bloodworm and sinking pellets. Good find.
probably not the most experienced reply youll get but i have had rope fish in the past and have had 50/50 luck with them but not becasue of feeding problems becasue of agression problems on the part of other fish. as far as a substitute ther is another fish similar to this i forgot the name of it though. have you looked into to fire eels? the ones ive seen get along well with other fish in the tank and are fairly hardy creatures not sure if they can go with your others but they are very cool.

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