Could They Have Been Cory Eggs?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
i came back from holiday yesterday and opened one of my tanks to re-sit the filter that had fallen off it's suction pad to find what can only described as eggs floating on the surface, looking fungused, and i think my betta had had a little chomp.

in the tank (a 7.5 gallon) is one betta, one otocinclus and 2 corydoras habrosus. (once upon a time there had been a trio of corys, and a trio of otos (at seperate times) but they've been buggers to keep alive). could they have been cory eggs? they looked a bit large to be habrosus though, they were round and in jelly. i guess maybe the filter falling dislodged them or something? usually i assume they'd be stuck to something!

sorry no pictures. does anyone have photos of pygmy-type cory eggs?

oh, and there are no snails in this tank, so it couldn't have been snail eggs.
You aren't giving many choices. :lol:

I have heard that oto eggs are large--I think it was otos--maybe it was habrosus....

A lady can lay eggs without the fella.
The jelly part threw me. Cory eggs are clean... no jelly.
You don't have to have snails... to have snails. It is one of those things I have never gotten an answer to. I had no snails added nothing to a tank and one day... I had snails! The tank had been running for a long time, and there was nothing new added and nothing had been changed. They just appeared one day. I thought you had to add them somehow, but they showed me. It didn't even have live plants. Just some info to think about.

Did they look anything like this?
View attachment 46464
Yea, I agree w/ ICEEGRL. The gel is a sign of snails. If you put anything in the tank or filter that was not boiled to hell, snails will show up. The only tanks of mine that no snail survives is the Tanganyikan Reef with 5 x 5" Clown loaches--not even trumpets. I forgot once and put n apple snail in. It was gone--Gulp!

Apples don't survive my botia darios or straita either, although there are a few trumpets and the other invaders that manage to find refuge, but there are no pile on snails on my zucchini for the BN!

But if there are no adult snails I don't know what laid the eggs.
hmm if no jelly, must not have been corys. no adult snails in there. i have a spixi, but it's in a tank on the otherside of the room!
noone knows about amano shrimp eggs do they? i have 2 amanos in another tank, i uprooted a plant from this tank to put in their tank before the holiday, so they could eat off the hair algae that had grown on it, then put it back in this tank. i know amano's can't breed in freshwater, but i found what looked like eggs stuck in their filter when i was doing a water change this week....could they be the culprits?
Amano eggs are very tiny and no jelly cushion either.
The only thing I can think of that has the eggs in jelly is snails. I could easily be wrong though.
Are you sure it was jelly and not just really bad fungus?
I really wish you could have gotten a pic...
it seemed like jelly, and they looked like too larger eggs for any snail that could be hiding in that tank
maybe they were heavily fungused cory eggs? they looked about the same in roundness to the picture up there
Bad fungus on the eggs looks kind of slimy and sort of hairy also to me when you look really close.
When out of water it does look something like jelly. That is what made me ask.
As Sue said... If it is the corys... They will do it again. Keep watching.

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