could someone please help me

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I thought that I took care of the problem but I havent the ph keeps on going down for no reason I have a black shark and I can tell cause his color will change to gray i check it last nite and it was 6.8 and i checked again this morning at it was 6.0 probally lower that is as low as my chart will read and it didnt even look that color I havent added anything to the water I dont have any ideal as to what is going on.I read one of these topic's before and it said baking soda would bring it up but I am afraid to add something that I dont know about some advice would be great right now.
Have you got anything like limestone oranments in your tank? that can leach in your tank and make the water acidic.

Have you added any medications lately?

What are your other water parametres i.e ammonnia, nitrite and nitrate?
no i dont have anything in my tank i took it all out the last time I had this trouble all the readings are 0 I have done a 25 percent water change hoping that would fix the problem I dont want to bring it back up all at once the fish cant stand that I havent added any medicine either I cant figure out what is the matter I am about ready to throw in the towel on fish keeping and take my fish back to the store it is worrying me to death my tank is newly cycled I thought that might have something to do with the ph going up and down all the readings are 0 and have been for over a week. I thought I had it licked now this again.

Have you got test kits for GH & KH as well as pH? If you have can you pour a glass of water. leave it to stand for 24hrs then post the GH & KH readings you get.....

We can see where we are from there....... :D

And keep smiling, we will get there...... :D
Fishsmurf said:

Have you got test kits for GH & KH as well as pH? If you have can you pour a glass of water. leave it to stand for 24hrs then post the GH & KH readings you get.....

We can see where we are from there....... :D

And keep smiling, we will get there...... :D
what is the gh and kh all I have is ph and ammonia and nitrite and nitrate and copper test that sums it up on the testing stuff that is all i can buy here this is a poor mans town all you can buy here is the basics if i get anything more I have to order it off from the web or drive to the next major city. I let the water stand for 24 hours and the ph was down a lot from what it came out of the tap my tap water is 7.6 after i let it stand for 24 hours it was 7.0 I dont understand not unless I have to many fish in the tank i have 3 mollies 1 pleco and 2 angels and that is it its a 20 long my 55 gallon is still cycling im doing a fishless cycle on it plus I used a filter from a cycled tank it shouldnt take much longer the nitrites are still up some but as soon as they go down I plan on moving some of my fish to it.
GH and KH are the hardness tests for the water. General hardness and Carbonate hardness.

If your gh and kh are too low then you have no buffering capacity for your ph so it will crash.

Take gh, kh and ph readings straight out of the tap, then again 24 hrs later as fishsmurf suggested. Post them and we'll be able to see how ur tapwater is.
catman said:
GH and KH are the hardness tests for the water. General hardness and Carbonate hardness.

If your gh and kh are too low then you have no buffering capacity for your ph so it will crash.

Take gh, kh and ph readings straight out of the tap, then again 24 hrs later as fishsmurf suggested. Post them and we'll be able to see how ur tapwater is.
I wont be able to get those until tomorrow evening I will let you guys know the next day they dont sell that where I live just as i said before I have to drive to the next major city to get anything like that.

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