Could Someone Explain The Function And Importance Of?


Jan 25, 2009
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could someone give me a bit of info regarding protein skimmers and how important are they..

is this seen as basic but does the job Sander Protein Skimmer Maxi Skim 300

£40.69 [URL=""][/URL]

and also for Reverse Osmosis. would this be sufficient. i know both of these arent very good but has anyone ever used these and do they do the job as money is an issue... credit crunch n all.. lol

D-D Full Size RO Unit (50 US Galls Per Day) £69


right, the D & D reverse osmosis unit is fine, but you would do best to buy one with a di unit on and you need a couple of ball valves so that water stays in the membrane when not in use.

all this can be bought from RO man on line :good:

Skimmers - you get what you pay for here I am afraid - think if there is one already with the tank just use that and save up for one (in the mean time just do larger, regualar water changes) - how big is the tank? There are always really good deals to be had on second hand skimmers :good:

Seffie x

There huge debates on skimmers. Some run awesome looking reef tanks entirely skimmerless. However others swear by their skimmers. Skimmers basically take organics out of the water before they break down and turn to nitrates. There are good and bad things about skimmers.
Adding to what KC says, some people recommend to overskim, others say it takes out too many nutrients. Ultimately it will depend on what type os stocking you wish to keep in the tank.

SPS, you want to skim skim skim.
Xenia (pom pom) needs much less skimming, I found this in my tank.

Large messy fish such as lionfish, skim skim skim.
The RO unit looks fine

Personally I would go for a bigger Skimmer for a 200l tank - I would look for something rated up to double your tank size

Also I would avoid an air driven skimmer as I hate the noise air pumps make

A lot depends on your stocking levels - I tend to overstock so like to have a heavy duty skimmer
I have a CPR dual bak pak on my 29g. It's recommended for around a 100g tank. Some people don't care for my skimmer and others think they're fine. I like mine and it does pull crap out of the water.

What TI said. SPS require superior water quality and softies not so much. LPS is kind of in between.
IMO, anything that attempts to re-create the natural living reef in our tiny little square boxes of water is a good thing. And since the natural reef is NOT full of dissolved organic proteins and other compounds, having a skimmer which removes those is a good thing. Then again, if your goal is NOT to have corals, why bother with a skimmer?
IMO, anything that attempts to re-create the natural living reef in our tiny little square boxes of water is a good thing. And since the natural reef is NOT full of dissolved organic proteins and other compounds, having a skimmer which removes those is a good thing. Then again, if your goal is NOT to have corals, why bother with a skimmer?
I think skimmers are important even if u go fish only

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