Could Some Body Give Me Some Help On The Fish I Have Please


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hi there i have a 60gallon tank, with live plants, and some plastic ones to, a peace of bogwood, and a big rock, i have..

4x zebra danios
2x blue rams
2x clown loach,

can i keep Bettas, or Siamese fighting fish with these fish i have????

or could any body give me some ideas on pretty colourfull fish i can keep with these?

thanks :)
bettas should never be kept with shoaling species ( as 99% of them fin nip)

gouramis are very colourful, honey gouramis i prefer, neon tetras are very colourful, but require a mature tank 6 months plus in age running problem free.
you could take a look at glowlight tetras, they have a nice colour to them and you might like fancy guppies or if you could find some green cobra guppies (there is speculation that guppies aren't very hardy in recent years)
Some neon tetras, cardinal tetra, mollies, platies, guppies, and u can get some ottos as a shoaling fish. Or u can have a BN pleco.
It's generally not advisable to mix Bettas and Gouramis either. They are closely related and occupy the same area of the tank. Due to the similarity in shape, your Betta may mistake your Gourami for another Betta and attack it.
if your water is nice, how about a bristlenose instead of the SAE as they get aggressive. but remember to put those veggies in.
???? He doesn't have any Tetras and 60 gallons should be large enough for a decent sized shoal.

After reading back through, did you mean loaches? If so, I agree.

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