I can't figure this one out - yesterday, when I changed the filter I saw all of our fish. Last night, we couldn't find the female guppy. We looked under, around, behind everything. Today, she's still nowhere to be seen.
Is it possible one of the gouramis ate her? Wouldn't there be some evidence (leftovers?)
20 gallon tank (established 6/6/03)
2 Red Fire Dwarf Gouramis
4 Zebra Danios
m/f pair of Fancy Guppies
Is it possible one of the gouramis ate her? Wouldn't there be some evidence (leftovers?)
20 gallon tank (established 6/6/03)
2 Red Fire Dwarf Gouramis
4 Zebra Danios
m/f pair of Fancy Guppies