Could My Tank Take Any More Fish?

tbh you have some nice 'feature fish in the angels and gourami's, i would find a small mid water shoaling fish that you like and put a large group of these in.
Any ideas which ones Miss Wiggle?
Dont mind the blue acara........would a single one be O'K or in pairs?? I read that during spawning, they can be agressive??
Kept singularly is fine, but be warned that like all fish they have differing personalities. You might get an overly aggressive/boisterous fish, or an excessively shy/timid one. They're generally peaceful fish though, and since the tank will already have fish in it, it shouldn't have aggression issues like if it were solo and think it owned the whole tank.

Since you have angels, don't get neon tetras as they will become food for them. No smaller shoaling fish than rummy nose tetras.
Certainly wont be getting Neons ever offense but I've had them twice and twice they infected my tank within 3 years.........last lot was only 4 months ago and I lost my whole tank to Septicemia.......over 60 fish gone............

Thinking maybe a pair of Swordtales......had them previously.......jus to add a nice orange colour to the tank.........not confused now but I agree with Miss Wiggle in that the Angels & Gourami are nice fishies..........ummmmmmmm
how about a nice big shoal of harlequin rasbora's if you want some orange in the tank :good:
ummmmm I like I like...........will go to LFS in about a fortnight.......actually might quickly fone them to see if they have any............thanks for that..........

Would around 4 be enough??
minimum shoal number is 6, i would go higher than that though, they look much more dramatic in a large sized group and will complement the larger fish nicely. I'd go for at least 8, maybe 10 if you have room (sorry can't remember tank size off the top of my head)
hahahaha see my signature Miss Wiggle............

I also read up on the fish that they only get to around 3cm......wont my Angels possibly eat them???

What about 6 Danios either Blues or Zebras?? Love the Leopard though as well...........

slightly larger and bit more active.......###, this is getting hard....also depends on stock in LFS..........
angels won't go for the rasbora's, their bodies are too tall, while they only get the same length as something like a neon they are a different body shape and are consequently too big to be an angel snack. :good:

checked your stocking and you have room for a shoal of 8-10 easily. :good:
Thanks Andy and Miss Wiggle...........appreciate it...........Rasboras then it will most likely be..........want to just wait a couple of weeks and see how my tank stays stable after loosing my favourite Angel and Flying Fox in the same week..............they have been replaced free by LFS but he also mentioned to just wait a few weeks to make sure all is well as should be..............thats pretty good that he is simply not trying to sell me something.........:)
of course, fi you loose any fish definately wait a couple of weeks before adding anything else, obviously there is a risk that this is the start of a disease/problem which you don't want to add new fish into that situation!
On that note, if fish dies from bacteria or disease, how soon before others get infected??? Just out of curiosity............
depends on the disease, anything from a day to 4 weeks, which is why you (if you are going to quarantine) then you should quarantine any new fish for 4 weeks minimum and after any deaths you need to leave at least 4 weeks before adding anything new to the tank as well.

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