Fish Fanatic
I have what I have always assumed to be a male red top zebra who has recently stopped eating, yet shows no other signs of any disease. It's been about a week since "Tony" has stopped eating. No stringy feces, and although he hides all the time he does not seem lethargic. Fins still in good shape, looks pretty good in every way. He even comes out to eat, makes like he's going to eat, but never actually does it. Bumps into the food like he's going to take a bite but never opens his mouth. My girlfriend says she sees a swelling in his bottom jaw, kind of like the pictures we've seen of holding females. To be honest, I don't really see it though. Maybe slightly. She insists though. lol
I have a 75 gallon tank, all mbuna except for a syndontis cat, no other red tops, although I have a red zebra and a cobalt blue and three afras, any one of which may have mated with the red top? My water parameters are darn near perfect, ph about 8.2-8.4, hardness about 120, nitrites zero, nitrates between 20-40, temp 78 deg. I do water changes once a week of about 25%.
Could this guy be a holding female, or do these symptoms sound like a disease of some sort?

I have a 75 gallon tank, all mbuna except for a syndontis cat, no other red tops, although I have a red zebra and a cobalt blue and three afras, any one of which may have mated with the red top? My water parameters are darn near perfect, ph about 8.2-8.4, hardness about 120, nitrites zero, nitrates between 20-40, temp 78 deg. I do water changes once a week of about 25%.
Could this guy be a holding female, or do these symptoms sound like a disease of some sort?