could my eel be eating fish poop?


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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I've had a spiney peacock eel for awhile now. I used to feed him live bloodworms with a turkey baster. However, about a month ago i purchased some clown loaches. The eel didn't like them too much, so now he hides all the time. I never see him. NOt even late at night. I figured he woudl be dying from not being fed. But the other day i searched the sand for him and i found him. He doesn't even look malnourished. I was trying to figure out what he'd been eating and i think its poop. My loaches are very messy and the tank bottom is often covered with poop when i go to bed. When i wake up its all gone. Could the eel be eating it?
no, your fish is not eating poop. it will eat any food that it finds, but not poop.
I've never seen a fish desperate enough to eat poop :unsure: You might want to move the eel away from the clowns or it will starve :/ (I've seen how quickly loaches get to food, day or night)
Yeah, its impossible to get the eel food because he never shows himself. I can't even use the turkey baster method. I really do think he's eating poop though. The floor is usually pretty covered when i go to bed. And clean when i wake up. I"ve heard stories from people on this board of fish eating poop. So i know its possible in rare cases.

I would move the eel, but i only have one tank large enough to contain him.
he won't be eating poop, eels can get to alot of places fish can't so he's just working harder for his food.
i agree he will find all the left over food and eat it my tyretrack was well as i feed him by hand but he still decided to snack on a silver arowana i had in his tank :angry:
lets just put it this way. it is impossible for you eel to be living off of poop. there is not enough nutrients.
I really don't think theres ever any extra food left over even 2 minutes after i feed them. The clown loaches and tiger barbs devour everything immediately. those clown loaches are crazy. I swear the only reason their considered peacefull is because their like one of those 300 pound guys that never picks any fights. He doesn't have to pick any fights because he's 300 pounds and always gets his way. The clownloaches are muscular and practicallly have switch blades behind their eyes. No ones gonna mess with them and they know it.

And the eel doesn't like their in your face attitude. He wants to be left alone so he never shows himself anymore. I really dont' know what to do about it. I can't feed him if i cant' see him.
Just chop up night crawlers for him, or some other food that the clown loaches can't get down. You can feed him if you can't see him, just drop food in for him. I've kept my peacock spiny eel with clown loaches and not had any problems.
P.S. And no, he could not survive off of poop. It's just not possible! :blink:
I read somewhere in the past that someone got round his feeding problem by putting the food a glass type bottle with an opening that was big enough for the eel type fish to get in/out off but small enough to stop the others getting in. I hope that makes sense.
That is a good idea. I just hope i can find a bottle that the runt clown loach can't get into. I guess the eel must come out sometime. It kind of suck because i really kind of want to get rid of him, becasue i haven't seen him in a month. but i don't want to give him back to a pet store where they'll sell it to someone and tell them it eats flake food. Then he'll die there.

If the eel cant be eating fish poop, then i wonder where it goes each night. Its always completely gone in the morning.

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