Could I Possibly Put...


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
I was really wondering if i could put a betta in my 10gal with my 3 guppies.
I heard its not a good idea, because they don't like the tails or something, but then I've also heard it was okay for some people.
I don't know if it matters between which sex is more aggressive with other fish, male or female (I know males are with their own species very much so, lol) but I really need to know the facts, before i do it, and possibly have some shredded :/
I know alot of people will say not to, BUT I currently have a female betta in my my guppies and both are ok so far....
Anything can happen though. Be prepared to move the female if problems arise.
Yeah, I definately to know, I wasn't going for a male anyway, that would take all the spotlight from my guppies, lol.
I hope more people reply :D
I think if you really want to house them together it's worth a try, but have a plan B incase things go wrong :)
Okay, will there any way to really tell agressive ones? Well i guess Lfs has 10 in a tank together, :( I'm surprised they even show them. Petsmart snobbishly told me no one wanted them, so why would they sell them....I think the assistant was just a nevermind...I was just taking a peek...jeez....anywho, thanks for the advice...if all doesnt go well with the guppies, I have a 5 gal i can put her in, and she'd be happy.
I've had it work, but I've also had a male Guppy who lost an entire tail to a female Betta. Keep a close eye on that tank if you do add the female Betta. Things can go really wrong really fast.
Squishiebabe - Just wondering where you are from in Canada and where you get yor female bettas? Im from Ontario to, so I was just wondering. Female bettas are pretty scarce around here!
I'm in Ontairio, yes....and I have NO IDEA...I live near Barrie, and the best Lfs is "Big Al's" .... i think there are a few locations in ON alone. visit the site, and check it out....only place I've seen them so far, and there were none yesterday (but they were getting alot of new fish in aswell)

Only place so far, lol. Theres also a tiny petshop in my town, i might go check that out aswell. hth
I have a big als near me to. They never have females there. The petcetera near my house has them but there are dying and beat up. They take horrible care of there bettas. And petsmart thats not that near me but near enough has beautifull females...
Lol, thats surprising. Then again, what isnt with anima; care these days. My Petsmart has oscars in 7 gal tanks with 4 inches of water, "cleaning" My friend and i complained and they said they were fine...HAH :no:
And my Big Als is sometimes okay, other times they're tanks are just...horrible...Anyway, hope you find some nice ones, i hope i do too

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